Technologies moved from House of Wisdom can be researched in multiple buildings at the same time

What you can do is turn off HDR in game and then turn on autohdr in Windows 11. Then you get a working brightness slider in game with HDR effect as well.


Fair. I wasn’t trying to be too harsh either, but I may have overdone it.

I stand by my statements about the practicality of testing other branches, and that IF one is not a programmer, THEN they have almost no ground to stand on when it comes to criticizing their work product. It smacks of the same stupid ignorance as fat drunk dads yelling at lifelong athletes on the screen over a fumble at thaksgiving. LETS SEE YOU TRY IT!?? lol

The industry is riddled with problematic companies and even game devs (looking at you PUBG) but so far aoe4 is doing a good job, imo.

Are there other game-breaking bugs floating around besides these? We really need a hotfix as the current state for competitive play is far from ideal.

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Well, they did say they were going to buff the spearman!


This is a preview for the Stalingrad Campaign for AOE V.

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Watch this:

Spearmen can kill objects which are far away because of this bug.

It’s like they don’t have a team to test anything… the customers are the test environment lol. They broke more stuff with this update than they fixed!

really disappointed with this game ; u really did the aoe series good

Fix it quick, and ban people who used this bug.

Devs, what is wrong with you? Are you mad or highed? This RTS could be the breath of fresh air for the entire genre, but from now it is just a circus with clowns, and the main clowns are you, who haven’t even tested your patch. You got 1 guy who is developing the game? What is wrong? Fix bugs that you creates and let people enjoy the game…

OMG my chair is burning

Just got out of a game where the abbasid were using the cheat to have cross map range on their spearmen. Literally nothing you can do to beat this. Game is currently unplayable.

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Abbassid spearmen now can be upgraded multiple times with multiple barracks at a time to increase their range, resulting in unlimited attacking range. :hot_face:

In addition: Blacksmith also has this bug. Similarly, movement bonus & armor bonus can be researched in multiple Blacksmiths at a time, resulting in camels becoming Speed: 3, Armor: ??? (unlimited).


Just met this!

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Well at least we know the dev team is known for releasing quick hotfixes after only 1 month

This bug is DEVASTATING… It is too easy to be performed, and the effect is just so straightforward… Hoping for a hotfix.

it’s a feature, not a bug please bruh. It’s the new work from home tech.


lol that is a great take

Wow :man_facepalming: why did this not get tested first? Who just releases random fixs without some testing

I laughed so hard when they started throwing torches from a kilometer distance. Sad and worrying that this went live not tested. Everything seems to be sloppy with this company. But this was too funny.