Teutons Bonus and Tech Change October

Just 1/2 in castle and 1/2 in imp as an general bonus and replace ironclad

maybe the new ironclad could be the armor bonus for stable and barrack units ?

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That would be nice, and would reduce the amount of things we have to tech into by a small margin

i honestly think eventho it would be drastic to just change ironclad it might be more practical if the armor bonus for stable and barrack units would be in the castle UT and the Siege armor bonus as a passive

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For instance, make it an imperial tech, increase barrack units by +2/1 armor, stable units by +1/1 armor (or just 1/0)

Or if it’s doable within reasonable balance
Barracks gain +2/2 armor (a middle ground between malians and the teutons themselves)

Teutons would arguably have one of the best condottiero in the game, which I would love tbh, which would increase the viability of my ultimate team: Teutons, Italians, Portuguese, Goths

And my secondary choice team:
Teutons, Byzantines, Italians, Goths

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i still say this isnt an issue and is actually more thematic
 since the siege ram is literally iron clad

celts have vastly superior SRs

run the math, even +1PA on siege is a huge buff

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because you dont have the imagination to use something doesnt make it useless
 it would be an incredibly useful tech

i used CA as an example FFS it applies to any ranged unit

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I might be the minority but I think Ironclad has a decent usage point for buying time for you to bring units to protect siege. If light cavalry get through the screening force, it’s reducing their damage by 4 which isn’t trivial. It’s probably a bit expensive for what it does but given how pricey siege is, it’s not terrible in my opinion

Separately once you get enough onagers it is pretty challenging even for CAs / Mangudai to micro well enough


Why do you want Ironclad to be changed at all ?

Just to remove the Teuton bonus. You can do the one without the other.

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It furthers the theme of quality over quantity, and feels right.

With a name like ironclad, the increased defense should look more like this: 4/1

Rather than just increasing melee armor.

Bump for the weekend

Your idea is a bunch of no sense so don’t Hope that

Guys, the solution is obvious. Give it plus +10/+10 and eliminate the minimum range.


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