Teutons change: Crusader Knight upgrade replaces cavalier - remove paladin plus other changes and some for a few different civs

It’s less about the balance than it being a bit too fancy for 1 of the 2 main lines everything is designed around in the game.
I actually like the idea of the unit. But I just think it’s better as a UU than replacing anything in the knight line.

But your proposal would make them extremely powerful against archers, add a huge powerpike in early imp other civs except burgundians and sicilians) don’t have. And it’s already close with these civs to breaking the game balance. The game of palading vs archer civs thrives on the paladin upgrade taking a lot and much time to research. I think it’s very important to keep these powerspikes and don’t mess with them too much.
It’s one of the key elements that keep these matchups interesting. If you don’t know your and your opponents powerspikes anymore cause it’s too convoluted with these various bonusses, the game becomes errative. You need to know each players win conditions, especially general conditions if we have 39 (or even more) civs.
At least that’s my opinion.

That easily could be totally OP, actually.

An interesting idea/concept for a future monk civ maybe.


The main problem with it going to another civ(crusader knight specifically) is that it’s a Teuton unit, and is currently relegated to scenarios and missions but is regardless a teuton unit. The most I could stretch it would be if first crusade were changed to imperial age and have it spawn crusader knights or even Teutonic Knights for the sicilians.
Or castle age non-elite Teutonic knights if kept in castle age

Its a crusader unit that best fits with teutons but that does not make it a teuton unit. Teutons are not the teutonic order. Teutons represent Germans and the HRE with a small side of teutonic order scene in its unique unit.

It holds the black cross of the Teutonic order

The unit? Yep. The civ? Nope. The civ is not thd teutonic order. It is not the teutonic knights. It’s the teutons.


Isn’t it the Templar cross? I think all fighting orders wore that cross or am I wrong with that?


How would you balance an upgrade that gives you the same resistance to arrows as paladins (120 hp with 8 PA = 60 shots like a pala), makes you unconvertable and gives you 7 melee armor with 22 attack (11 shots to kill a pala and 11 shots to get killed by a a pala). I missed the stats of the unit, you are basically removing the cavalier and pala upgrades to give them back a unit that is basically an uncorvertable paladin who needs only 1 research to get there 11.

You were right, you weren’t nerfing them on arabia. You just added another powerspike on top of better infantry and extra tcs range 11111111111


Atm? It has less attack speed, less speed, and I would increase upgrade cost and time. That and the unconvertable nature starts in imperial, where conversions matter allot less for most players.

Is it gonna cost like cavalier and paladin upgrade and take the same time to research?

That seems like a huge early imp nerf

The nerf itself as well as the buff of the window where they can push hard depends on a good balancing between cost and research time to make that window smaller or larger depending on what’s most balanced.

My guess? Somewhere around 75% of the cost of paladin, and about 100% of the time it takes to upgrade into cavalier plus 30% of the time it takes to upgrade into paladin

That would allow an early imperial window for the enemy and a mid-imp window for the Teutons

Not really. Pikes would easily shred these. 4 hits from a halb to kill your 80 food 50 gold 1.2 speed unit.

I fully expect that, and that’s perfectly okay

Although, I’d place them at the same cost of a knight

It’s okay to you. To others not so much.
I’d rather teutons not lose their paladins like this.

You wanr a crusader knight skin? Sure. I’m okay with that. Crusader knights replacing cav and paladins? Not okay.


if they were to reduce the bonus damage taken, that could be an additional balancer there, if it’s an issue

If that’s the case, how would they fair with the sicilians?
I’d imagine they’d need to replace hauberk for something better fitting

TBF I think that design with +4 armor and less HP is actually better than the siciian hauberk cavaliers.

I think better agianst archers but worse against halbs is a “fair” tradeoff.

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No dear God that’s dven worse. I’m judt not a fan of this idea. I’d rather keep their current cavalry lineup as is. You want the skin? Completely okay with that.

I’m thinking this for sicilians atm:

First crusade:

Increased cost,
Spawns non-elite Teutonic Knights,


replaced with a donjon tech for +attack/more arrows/garrison space, and/or allows serjeants to repair siege

Cavaliers replaced with crusader knights upgrade.
Tech cost/research time to be balanced

This gives them an early (or late) unit to help vs melee types and to help vs trash if needed while giving a nod to history of them having the Teutonic Order garrisoned with them at some point.
As well as a fun crusader unit of their own for their ‘second crusade’.

However it may be more accurate to replace hauberk with ‘third crusade’ and spawn elite teutonic knights while keeping ‘first crusade’ the same as it is now.


I’d love the skin as well,

That being said, Teutons have Teutonic Knights and heavy scorpions/hand canons, so halbs can be dealt with and left as a weakness for the Teuton’s version of the crusader knight.


What if it would be an imp tech to research with cost that unlocks them but the upgrade cost too

I mean im not the biggest fan of @HealFortress ideas but that wouldt be top big of a strech for this idea

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