Thank god for 2 hour refund on Steam. You're zoom level sucks and you ignored feedback

People have said in other posts previously that when it was possible to zoom out more in the beta, it had little negative impact on performance.

Re the various arguments about competitive fairness, people have different preferences for field of view. Competitive fairness means everyone being able to have their personally preferred field of view. Otherwise it’s like not being able to customise hotkeys and saying that’s fair because it’s the same for everyone, when some people might like the standard hotkeys while others might hate them.


For me it had little impact, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t for people with weaker hardware. We have to remember that some people are on the minimum hardware. Whatever changes they make, the game still has to be playable for them.

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I just never see people asking for this in other games. For example, does anyone argue that in CSGO, everyone should have to play at 60fps because that is the most some PCs can do, and higher fps has been shown to improve a player’s performance in the game?


You’re lucky I can’t pause my game, otherwise I would’ve said something about this.

True- but also truth is you cant just enjoy what u have and build from the ground up. You prob never built a game urself or developed your own system program? If u have think back to when u thought it was first done… u would know you still had to get alot more work done before u could release it. And even once u release it feedback helps u polish it. A sword will never become deadly if it stays in the fire :fire: the whole time. Eventually it needs to come out to be polished.

Well another person here that has just refunded due to the pitiful maximum zoom. It makes playing the game a chore, not helped by the fact that you also don’t seem able to re-map WASD.

I’ll check back in 6 months and see if they’ve fixed things.

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