The AI is terrible

Has a lot to do with Hardest pushing early then focusing on Age advancement. Doesn’t seem adaptable to the map either. All the advice here is good, so beating it should not be a chore.
I’d add that based on the map, you’ll have a different experience. At no point should you hold off building defense or offence. And if there is no chokepoint, make one with walls. Don’t close the walls off though - leave a hole somewhere and make that your chokepoint.

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I have opened another thread telling what you said, i got response from a developer that they have reported the lack of aggression by the AI. The title is: Patch 10 broke AI rush capabilities, if you want comment there or just open a new thread so developers who watches the forum will see more and more of this “AI ~something~” and assign to this problem a higher priority

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The combat behavior of AI is really terrible, and I really like the aggressive AI before. But now they are not actively attacking at all, which has caused my friends and I to not want to open the game now. We hope to solve it as soon as possible. Thank you very much!


Here another one, we are all in the same situation unfortunately…

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I noticed that mongols are only faction that kinda actively attacks you, but after getting enough units, even mongol AI drops attacking.

It depends more on the map than the factions, there are some maps in which they wont’t attack ever, others that they wait until age 4 to do the first attack (with maximum half of the army)

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@SavageEmpire566 @Cobaltdragon913

The AI current status is mercyful and worst than ever as it no longer attacks on the hardest difficulty and stops to produce villagers after 10-15 minutes from easy to difficult. The AI was broken after patch 10, please revert it how it was during season 6 (patch 9). Back then it used to be good and was actually attacking.
Why isn’t the thread a megathread as it is bigger than any other of them, why after patch 10 it has never been processed an hotfix? Please, i beg you in the name of all the AI players, restore the AI how it used to be on season 6.


Did it not become more aggression this patch?

That’s what some people on reddit said, but I have no frame of reference because I haven’t played any AI games in years.

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It is a bit better than season 7 yes, but back on season 6 was much more stronger. They broke it after that season

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Dang so still not as good as it used to be.


I feel like the AI is quite confused now.

Generally I find it easier to play against it since the patch. I changed from hard to hardest after the patch, the old hardest was a little too stressful for me. But I observed a lot of strange behaviour:

  • long distance ressource collection without building camps/mills nearby, happens more in the late stages of the match
  • sometimes enemy armies approach my army in a dance-like pattern, like 2 steps forward 1 step back, very strange
  • frequently hiding their army in their base while I attack, but other times they really like to hunt down my reinforcement troops between my base and their base
  • short distance trading

On the other hand I feel like the AI now makes decisions more based on the map, at least that’s how I kinda experience it. Sometimes it goes nuts when I take two sacred sites for example, which also leads to some good games. But yesterday it remained in Dark Age/Feudal Age when me and 2 other human players spawned rather close to the enemy on the map Hideout (I think?)

So all in all I think the AI got “dumber” and more random. And sometimes really agressive!

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My friends and I have noticed a change in the AI difficulty. We think it was the 7/11/24 update that dorked up the difficulty settings. The first level is too easy and the 2nd level - which is what we always played - is much, mcuh harder than what it used to be. We played a few games with the difficulty set to Hard to compare the difference and they seem to be the same. The intermediate and Hard levels are pretty much the same diffaculty now. And Easy is too easy. You shouldn’t have to use mods to win at a game. We were hoping the issue would have been fixed by now, but it hasn’t so I am replaying on a few threads. There are 4 of us that play this game and we all agree that the Intermediate AI diffaculty has changed. Very frustrating. We used to have a lot of fun playing this game together. Now not so much because Easy AI is too easy and Intermetdiate AI is too hard. Again we don’t use mods or want to use mods.

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AI upgrades for June and August, didn’t have time to update inormation :slight_smile:

AI Updates

  • AI will now attempt to fortify contested islands on naval maps.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the game to crash after loading a save game that contains AI players.
  • Fixed some issues with the AI focusing too much on Age Up that were introduced as part of the difficulty re-balancing.

I think the Global Patch will be released soon and hopefully the AI behavior will improve a lot, waiting for the next patch :slight_smile:

P.s In the last PUP patch I didn’t notice any AI changes, but it was a long time ago and maybe new AI changes were not introduced in the pre-patch…