The Alt+F4 Multiplayer Problem

I feel you.
Ruining everyones match is just the start. Most of the times these players lower their Elo on purpose to bash noobs later on, or boost teammates elo…


The big thread about this subject.

There are kind of 3 different cases:

  1. When a match got established: This seems to be a stability issue of the game.
  2. During the countdown: This is probably people who are dodging the game for some reason.
  3. When the game really starts: Not sure if these are dodgers / quitters that would lower their rating or if these are stability issues as well. Probably a combination of dodgers and stability issues.

When i made a thread about this people called me more or less “dumb” for wanting punishments to prevent this awful behaviour :slight_smile:

I think these guys just havent played many teamgames.

If i care i could give you 10 examples from my own experience in the last 2 weeks, where 1 player leaves (even tho their team is topscore) or the match is far from decided.

but yeah, people should be allowed to leave whenever they want i guess :roll_eyes:

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Yea is it so hard to communicate with your team and agree as a team to resign? People suck

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why do i feel like you 2 barely tried to communicate and gave up stamping every teammate as unteachable and ignorant if thats not true

its always worth a try and well as people dont like to be ignored other people would like to have their fun ruined by people who alt f4

and thats why i fully support a penality for those people who alt f4

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These people just leave without even saying sth.? How is my communication the fail in this one?

I’m not blaming people who ask their team if they should give up. But you have at least to ask your team and if you are the only one who thinks this game is lost, then you should keep trying.

It’s just about these people who resign without saying anything, just because they have a tough game. At a certain level i can expect from players to have a look at the situation overall and not only the own situation, can i? I’ve lost games in the past which i should’ve won but i also won games in the past, which i should’ve lost. Both is pretty stupid.

and believe me or not i even tried to communicate many times. There was a nomade game for example, where i saw that one was in a bad spot. I wrote “hold on i’m gonna help you in a second”. You know what happened? 5 sec later he just resigned without saying anything. It’s pretty tough to not tilt at this point tbh.

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Just randomly looked the stream of membtv. If you look at around 3h 35 minutes you have the perfect example. He is trying to communicate a lot. Blue ignores him, doesnt give a ■■■■ and just resigns without saying sth.

I mean considering the situation overall i wouldn’t think they were in a really good spot. You could say this was a game where you could resign but is this how you do this? Without even asking your team and ignoring everything? This shows perfectly how selfish the people act in teamgames. Why do people like these even play teamgames? I don’t get it.

And this will lead to more and more toxic games. If you experience that people leave all the time if they have a bad game you will eventually do it yourself too and then it’s really just about who ragequits earlier. Very sad progression of the game imo.

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Hate these kind of players who dont comunicate

you can report them ingame. ban waves occur every month.

people quitting during games is a different problem

to avoid stuff like that, they would need to turn on allied vision or stop pairing people who don’t speak the same language with each other

i recommended 2 years ago that these players should just be replaced with an AI, but they still haven’t done that

the alt+f4 problem is when you queue for games 30 times and only a couple of them actually start because the rest were dodged during the civ selection screen people who only want to play 1 map (or some other reason)

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yeah it’s not the same problem. I don’t know why these threads got merged.

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Just make elo gain if the enemy dodges and their elo decrease - problem solved for 1 vs 1

For team games: only those that initiate the exiting of the queue have their elo decreased regardless of the method of disconnection

I rarely post here, but seeing as this is the official forums I might as well +1 that anyone in the party of someone who drops in the queue after the map is shown should be timed out for minimum 15 minutes.

They should not receive an elo penalty, that just makes it easier for smurfs to drop rating.

Please devs, if you care about the opinion of the players this is by far the largest current issue in the game that needs to be resolved.

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Not sure why, but lately around 80-90% of the team games seems to fails as result of connection issues. All games ends before all info is loaded. I dont see which map we are going to play, i cant pick a color and sometimes i dont even see all allies loaded in and the game fails to load and i have to queue again. The percentage really went up since the last weeks. It looks to me something went wrong in the latest server maintainance. These stability issues started around the latest server maintainance. So it looks to me somethings went wrong in the server maintainance or something like that. Since that moment i also played most TGs on the Indian or US (West) server, while living in EU and normally play on the EU or UK server. These kind of games are also really laggy. On average 2-3 players has yellow of red clock in the game. Something that didnt really happen before the server maintainance. So did the devs mess up the server maintainance?!

What also happens in the last weeks: When i queue, i sometimes just gets kicked out of the queue without any error message. So i was in the queue for 5 minutes and instantly i have to fully requeue. Maybe this has something to do with the not connection to the party issue. Idk, but i feel like it is connected in some way.

I really hope that the devs will look into these stability issues. To me it looks like they are the main source of why games dont launch. I would even give this more priority over the real quitters during the count down. Compared to the stability issues in the games, these quitters arent happening that much. The stability issues have a much greater impact on the games that fails to start.

What a terrible solution. The only reason why people seem to quit in 1v1 is after the countdown, so they already loose elo. They elso want to loose elo, so they can bash noobs.

These kind of player want a lower elo. His losing streak at the end are just a new game every 5 minute. You solution will only result in this being easier, while solving pretty much nothing. It only will mess up the balance of the elo rating.

For that reason time penalties (i would suggest with increasing length) are a much better solution. It will even partially solve the issue of players who want to lower their rating to bash noobs, like above example.

As the title implies, there needs to be a consequence for dodging queue or “Alt f4-ing” when somebody doesn’t get a map they want to play. Many multiplayer games have this to deter dodging queues.

Additionally, if another team dodges queue, your team should not be disbanded and kicked out of queue. Instead, the party should be remain together and in queue. This use to be how it worked but something happened and it was never fixed.

I was trying to find a team game and there was another team that would alt f4 on anything other than nomad. We got paired with them 5 times. It took us 40 mins to actually get into a match that wasn’t against the nomad team. I really enjoy the game but I have limited free time and would like to play more than one game in an hour.

I believe AoE should adopt a similar system to other multiplayer games as simple as not allowing a player to queue for an increasing amount of time for each match they have dodged in a row.
ie) A player is queueing with 2 of their friends, they get the map Arabia and only wanted to play nomad, so that player dodges and the entire premade party is put on a cooldown. Then when they try to queue up again, even if the player who actually dodged isn’t in their party (this avoids the loophole of players on a team taking turns dodging), they get an error saying they have to wait 5-10 mins in order to queue up again. Then if one of their party members dodges queue again, they would have to wait 15-30 mins to queue again.

As the game doesn’t have as many active players as other popular multiplayer games, I believe this will help reduce time spent in queue and get players out of “lobby simulator” and more players into actually playing the game.

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yeah. people have been complaining about this for over a year

it’s not all map dodgers though. there are players who lose on purpose in order to lower their rating (or for other inexplicable reasons). then they rejoin the queue and get paired with the same allies who don’t want to play with them, so their allies will dodge the game

and the matchmaking is so unbelievably inept that it keeps pairing these people with each other repeatedly

the report button does nothing. it’s just cosmetic.

i have never seen a multiplayer game managed as badly as world’s edge manages age of empires, and i’ve played a lot of junk over the decades

no moderation. no administration. a bunch of money dumped into useless events instead of fixing the game.

Consequences that is a nice word, the devs are now getting what they deserved when pretending such system could work with an old, small game community that happens to be split in smaller game modes non related to each other.

According to the stats the TG activity has dropped to its lowest since release, you can blame non corona lock down or simply embrace the truth, the players got enough of being forced to such system, the devs are not connected with their own game. If they add punishments to the current low activity it will get worse, the devs have to take the best solution which whether if you like it or not is going back to a ranked lobby system exclusively for team games.


Many multiplayer games also don’t set a moronic limit on map bans.

Maybe some people hate Black Forest, maybe some people only want Arabia, maybe some are looking for Nomad team games, others are tired of Arabia, others want water maps, others don’t want water maps. Who knows. Who really cares. They have their reasons.

This is the reason why there are less people queuing for team games, and you want to make it even harder to find games by temporarily banning people from the ladder for not playing the maps that you want, and by giving them an excuse to just avoid the team ladder altogether.

Think, Mark. Think.


This is already the main thread about this subject. It is one of the biggest thread about this subject. This shows how bad the current setup is. For some reason do people like to play ranked, while hating the set up. As result they still go to ranked (since it is much superior to a lobby), but continu to dodge certain games (since they dont like the settings of ranked). Adding a time penalty for dodgers seem a pretty reasonable solution to me. I have suggested the same solution for this issue. These dodgers are better of by just playing in the lobby, but it looks like they have much more joy in ruining every one else fun.

Lately i do feel it isnt about doging, but there seem to be some stability issues as well. As result of these issues, parties just dont connect properly and as result the game is dissolved and you have to queue again as well. So this need also some attention from the devs before they start applying time penalties.

Penalty for dodging is a bad idea, the game crashes too often, so that will annoy a lot of people to get a time ban just because the game isn’t stable, moreover, the vast majority of ALT+F4 stems from two issues: people queuing up solo in team games, and just bad map pool management, neither of which can be fixed or improved even the slightest with time bans. Only good to get people to play something else instead.