Yes. Due to inflation, you didnt need to play well to get Elo. You could have horrible win rates and still climb… So as soon as I notice the game will not be balanced because of the Elo issues, I would altf4.
I have posted this in here before. Players with 1400 losses and 900 wins sitting at 2600 TG Elo… Dudes losing 6-7 out of 10 games because he isnt on the same level as others. I dont have the time to go into unfair games.
It was a flaw of the system, 40% win rate should mean your rating actually goes down until you find a spot where you can play with 50% win rate.
These stability issues are really annoying. Games failed to connect before you can even see your allies or the map in so many games. So after waiting for 5+ minutes you will end up with a failed game to launch and you have to manually re queue again and again wait for 5+ minutes.
It is mostly TGs, but happens sometimes in 1v1 too. It is probably the result of having to connect more players, so it happens much more frequently in TGs. In 1v1 it is much more rare.
i reckon that atleast 2 or 3 people suggested a reconnect period if thats even possible as it dissapeared as fast as it came up
also @WoodsierCorn696 i think that reconnect thing would fix atleast one problem
the other people are the one trick Ponys and people who maliciously dodge as for various reason (bad map, bad teammste wr% i dunno) there is s wierd flaw in the system that get abused more then it should be
Seems like Alt+F4 even happens in 1v1. Today i played a 1v1 on LN. My enemy resigned in the first seconds, but was still into the game. Then i asked him: Why did you resign? His answer: I dont like this map. In my next game i was matched against the same player again on LN. Again he resigned in the first seconds.
Ofc i reported this player for this bad behaviour, but i dont think the devs will really look into these reports and give him some punishment.
On the bright side: Two times free Elo (but i dont care about the number).
Would you have preferred if he had went out of his way to make your game miserable and hide everywhere on the map? Or if he just went AFK, forcing you to build up only to have to kill an idle player? Quite weird sentiment to report the player… no surprise if the won’t get punishment, guessing the player doesn’t know about ALT+F4 and dealt with the problem the most polite way he could.
Anyhow, I also ALT+F4 1v1 maps when the situation calls for it… e.g. when I’m bored of Arabia and too many of its clones were picked into the map pool.
I would have wished he didn’t play ranked if he don’t like playing ranked. Just go to the lobby if you don’t like ranked. That is the most polite way to deal with this issue. Now he wasted my time for no reason at all.
How can you tell that he doesn’t like playing ranked? What map was it that he quit btw? Just from this context, either you or that player could be right tbh. There are some bad maps in the map pool from time to time, and even if some maps aren’t bad, it is possible to get bored if a map has been repeatedly appearing.
Why would @WoodsierCorn696 have to take any blame for other players dodging his games? This makes no sense. Hitting “Find Ranked Match” should be seen as a commitment to playing a game out, if you’re not willing to play certain maps/players/civs, then just don’t play ranked.
I’m not saying that he needs to take any blame. Just that there isn’t a good alternative to Ranked Matches to find opponents after you reach a certain skill level. However, just from his description it’s impossible to tell what really was the issue that caused the player to drop the games, and just don’t think it’s a report worthy ‘offense’.
It’s certainly not a “ban-worthy” offense, in my opinion, but there really isn’t an alternative to reporting right now when it comes to players willingly dropping from games for arbitrary reasons.
Part of ranked is playing on different maps in de map pool. If you don’t like playing the different kind of maps in the map pool, then just don’t join rank. You agree to play with these setting by queueing up. So just play these games. Or of you don’t like it, then just don’t queue up for ranked. Now he is just wasting my time.
The map was Land Nomad. It was the first day that map was part of the map pool. I think it was my first game with the new map pool and I favorite this map without really knowing what to expect of this map. It sound fun and refreshing to me.
If you think a map is bad or get it too frequently, then just use a ban for that map.
Yeah, thanks, I think in this context it makes more sense that you got frustrated, but in the end, it’s down to map management than the individual player.
Reposting because this guy reported me and got a mod to remove my response for “unsportsmanlike behavior”
I will resign when I am placed into a map that I don’t enjoy playing. I’m playing a game for my enjoyment, not yours. As I said before, I’m looking forward to a better system that lets us all play our preferred maps. Half the forum is saying people need to be banned for refusing to play a map they don’t like. I’m giving the other perspective, and removing my post doesn’t change the situation.
MS, this mod just cost you a sale of the upcoming DLC. Having a lousy matchmaking system is one thing, but deleting one side of an argument is a bit too much.
It’s really bad on closed maps. 4/5 games that I get on Amazon tunnel someone does this. You can’t even play new maps because people just want to play arabia only it seems.
A griefer or bad faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game (trolling), by using aspects of the game in unintended ways, such as destroying something another player made or built.
Abusing a system in a unintended way, which deliberately irritates people is griefing. For that reason Alt + F4 is just griefing. Players who do this should be banned in game and players should not promote this behaviour on this forum. It is pretty logical that the staff delete these kind of posts, since promoting Alt F4 does not solve anything.
If you queue up for rank, then you know you will be playing on one of the maps of the map pool. You have some impact on which one by bans and favorits. This way you can eliminate maps you dont like and you can make your favorite map more likely to be picked. By queueing up you already know which maps you could be playing. By enterint the queue and starting the match you agree with these settings.
People who dont like the outcome, are playing the wrong game mode. If you dont like the outcome, then just dont queue up for ranked. No one is forcing you in playing in ranked on maps you dont like. You asks for a system that let you play your preferred map. I have good news for you. The devs have already listen to you! You can go to the lobby and host whatever map you like. Do you want to play Arabia only? It is already possible in the lobby! Do you want to play with King of the hill settings? It is already possible in the lobby! Do you want to play Forest Nothing? It is already possible in the lobby. So we already have a system that let you freely pick the maps you want. If you want a system that let you play your preffered maps, then you go to the lobby. There is no good reason why you still annoy players with just Alt F4 in ranked. With Alt F4 you are ruining the game experience of a lot of players. I am still unsure why so many player join ranked instead of the lobby if they really seem to hate ranked so much that they have to rely on frequently pressing Alt F4. The only argument i have heard why these people still play in ranked is “but the lobby is for noobs and i am much better”, but isnt that issue solved if they just all moved to the lobby? I never really got a satisfied answer to this question.
I hope MS dont care about a toxic player that cost them already money by promoting griefing and griefing itself on the ranked ladder.
Straight out promoting griefing is something different then having a conversion with sharing arguments from different opinions/views about a subject. Just promoting griefing is just toxic behaviour and has nothing to do with deleting arguments of one side. I think almost no one would say that the ranked match making system is perfect. But lets have a discussion about how to improve this instead of encourage player to also start griefing on the ladder.
i also use alt f4 to get the map i like. i dont concider it griefing as my purpose is not to agrivate people but to enhance my expirence. and iritation to other people is completly accidental
Adding my monthly QQ. Wondering why bother changing maps when every single one gets alt f4’d? Tired of everyone arguing over who is in the wrong, just fix the damn system already.