The Alt+F4 Multiplayer Problem

Perhaps, they can take out one dev map and one voting map, and give minimum 3 bans regardless of the team size. This may help the problem. Presumably, less map would speed up the matching although allow player to ban more map would slow down the match.

Stop picking ā– ā– ā– ā–  maps and play arabia

MM is far superior to Voobly lobbies. I really dont want to go back to that. DE already have a system like Voobly. It is called the lobby. I am still not sure why people dont understand that. Also MM is much superior to a lobby. There is a reason why i play in ranked and not in the lobby.

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Is it? Given the length and amount of complaintsā€¦ is it actually? :wink: I think the voobly system would instantly make most of the arguments about MM obsolete, because ALT+F4 just wouldnā€™t even be a thing.

As it has been pointed out many times in many threads, the lobby is currently unsuitable for higher level play, because the likelihood of getting balanced matches are close to none. This is because there is currently no ranking system attached to the lobby. The few times I entered random team lobbies in custom lobby highest (1v1) rated player Iā€™ve seen was just below 1600 so I still had to handicap myself for something resembling a fair game.

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stop being so toxic not everyone likes to play only Arabia


i also personaly think that the best outcome for changes might be changing the gap of the elo players can play together a punishment like a timeout for people who quit it in the first seconds (also determable if crashed or not hopefully) and changing the mappool so its one of eatch map typ open closed hybrid water nomad

All very nice, but no one can force after a working day, in your hour or 2 hours of recreation to play a map that you do not want, if I do not want to play Amazon tunnel, sand, bf, megaramdom (worst map in the world), Iā€™m not going to play it, just as if you donā€™t want to play arabia, the arena players shouldnā€™t play them.
Ban alt f4, the answer is going to be to get out of the game at minute 0, or go fw with all the vils and trolling of the opponent and resing. The solution is clear, as in cs go we must have the number of map bans as we want


and the answer to that will be reports that become bans.

both features are needed: more map bans and a punishment for dodgers. it already works like that in CSGO.

There is a clear oversight in your reasoning: You arent forced into match making. You can also play in the lobby. If you queue for ranked, then you know the rules for ranked and you know which map you can get. In my opinion you agree with playing on all possible maps (you can use bans and pick a favorite to influence the outcome). If you dont like some outcome and really dont want to play these maps, then ranked isnt just something for you. Just go to the lobby and host a game on the setting your prefer.

I really dont understand why people who seem to hate ranked games, still playing ranked. Why arent the just go to the lobby? I never have seen any good argument why they think they have to stick to ranked games.


Here you got one, I have eperienced myself that in lobby you get way too many bad players (I mean really bad) or you get smurfs who like to bash low ELO players. You almost never get a good game out of the lobbies so going ranked is way better because you get equal ELO.

I agree with the previous poster that I have have 2 hours spare time to play, I want good games. That includes both same ELO and maps I enjoy.

I donā€™t disagree with you on any of your other points but do you really not understand this? Have you tried playing games in the lobby? The lobby system is a disaster and doesnā€™t provide any tools for finding balanced games. You can check peopleā€™s 1v1/TG ratings by hovering over their profile icons, but a large majority of people in lobbies have never played a ranked game, and sometimes the profile info refuses to load at all.

I agree that people wanting to play specific maps ONLY should go into the lobby instead of trying to use ranked, but thatā€™s not really a reasonable suggestion until the lobby has better tools to make this possible.

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I donā€™t understand why people want to force players into play maps they donā€™t enjoy. Iā€™m 1K6. If I lost ELO skipping a couple of water maps and arena, eventually I will be playing against a player 200ELO under my actual level. If I have a time penalty to rejoing lobby, then it will be one less player in the arabia pool. I dont want to waste 30 minutes of my time in a map I donā€™t enjoy.


I agree with you. I play all maps, but I can understand, why people want to play certain maps only.
You have a lot of bans in 1v1 tho, I donā€™t know why you have to alt-f4 in addition to that.

This question has been answered multiple times. At this point this is just trolling tbh


Honestly, they should do some hotfix for the bans.
Like give unlimited bans, but leave one of the 3 most popular maps unbanned.
edit: These 3 maps are Arabia, Arena, Nomad.

No reason to create a distinction between people who only play one map or people who want control over maps. Banning them to the lobby will only hurt MM. You want as many players as possible using the system.

You already answered your own question. The expectation that any player would at any moment play any map that gets put in the pool has never been realistic.

Yes we need an opt-in system. But no it makes no sense to leave the most popular maps unbanned as they are already popular and not in need of traffic. This would still not solve the problem which is a lack of control over maps.


I just figured out why Mongolia is in the 1v1 pool:
Some dev/community manager put it there: šŸ—³ VOTE NOW! 1v1 Ranked Map Rotation - June 29


I already countered the argument of the rating already: You can look it up at I have also no idea why it isnt part of the lobby, should also be a good improvement as well. Now many players annoy players in ranked, while if they all move to the lobby, the issue seems to be solved. Many of these players have a 1v1 rating, which migh even be better in matching players, since TG ratings are already bad.

Thanks for these great arguments.

Itā€™s not about looking up a rating. Iā€™d get kicked out of most lobbies, and practically no one would join a lobby that I create. So the lobby is not really playable for everyone, so at the moment, now, it is not a solution for everyone.


Not to forget that there shall be a place for people who donā€™t pass the ranked benchmark test.
I know it sounds hilarious, but there are many people who canā€™t pass the test.

And people like me would even desire to have a more strict benchmark test.