The art style of this game

This Is how the units Will be showed in next Settlers game

I’d like to see this details level in AOE4

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I don’t plan to zoom in much in AoE4 since AoE is about strategization, tactical assessments, and gameplay from afar, as opposed to looking at your chess pieces from two inches away, so to speak. Decent details on units are good and needed, sure… but nothing excessive that will pull developmental resources and dollars away from what I feel are more important things, like gameplay and user interface stuff. I don’t care that a shield might have 4 or 8 rivets instead of 40 :slight_smile:


Only for comparison.

Settlers Is actually in pre-alpha (as AOE 4) but graphic Is Simply Amazing: i think the best engine that i ever seen in rts game


I think brightness or this art style isn’ a problem.but units and bulidings without details.they are very simply

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I guess Age 3 fans don’t count :cry:

I think Settlers is more cartoonish than age4.I don’t like this new settlers…But yes,settlers units are more detailed

Here is my version how to increase the “realism”

  1. Get rid of the DOF
  2. Have normal histogram.
  3. No oversaturating.

But I think the graphical style of this game is just good. The idea of simplicity is that you are supposed to be able to see your unit from far away and click it. Too realistic materials and textures will make it harder to indentify your units and buildings.

In isometric games such age of empires 2 everything is always shown from same angle and from same distance. In 3d it’s little different thing. Imagine that AEO looked like google maps based on how realistic it would be. It would be awful to play, because you would lost your units.

Also, I am not so much fan of realism what comes to graphical style of games. I am very much ok even with “childish” graphical styles. If the graphics are realistic, then should be everything else or it would look out of place. If I want realism, I watch news.


I agree.Gameplay>Realism

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That image ^
I can’t tell if the multiple dark blots on the right grassy fields are units or stumps of trees.
It should be units, but which units ? Infantry, but which infantry ???
Or perhaps they are brown stumps as remains of chopped of trees. ??

I am not a visual artist creator, but too much shade makes things hard to distinguish, at least for me.
Maybe its different for others?

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Yeah, I agree. I’ve probably made it too dark.

I agree.Gameplay>Realism

Also, because this is a modern game, it’s highly possible that there will be night scenes also.

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20 characters

I am looking forward to the moonlight

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Question:Do u hopeful for this game?
d)im a bit pessimist
e)this game will be terrible

Age of Empires is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.


Answer: What about F? All of the above! :smiley:

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Why do people always equate cartoony to childish? The older Age games were also stylized, they weren’t straight realism. Not to mention stylized games tend to hold up better in the visuals department over time and they tend to lend themselves better to scalability as options can be toned down for lower end PCs while still maintaining the aesthetic.


“Cartoony” is a generic term, with a loosely (yet, mutually socially agreed upon definition), of pre-defined traits. It does not refer “specifically” to “childish”. However, almost all games which use “cartoonish” graphics, are aimed specifically at an audience for “children”.

Thus you have misunderstood the current usage/application of the word “cartoonish” with the context of this forum. :smiley:

Note - The reason one uses such terminology as “cartoonish”, is due to the limited vernacular of an individual when formally attempting to recognize specific “graphical styles”. :smiley:


they fit perfectly with the rest of the franchise. I honestly did not expect them to do such a good job. bridge soldiers on the walls the design is perfect what else to expect. the graphics are not childish but rather colorful, it can be easily solved with filter


images (22)

AoEO is childish,AoE4 isn’t