This is what i would love to tackel your Prios:
Prio 0:
o Italians
-increase italian age up bonus, allow passive to affect all archery range units, reduce dock tech discount
o Vietnamese
-paper maney grants additonaly a gold trickle like 1 relic to the researching player
o Koreans
-wood discount affect all units, so also siege
o Byzanties
-logicsta und elite cata upgrade cost reduced
o Indians (bad in 1v1, highest winrate in teamgames)
-receive non elite battle elefants, but they lose the +1 camel pierce amror
o Portuguese
-worst civ need most changes, but skipped here, in another post that is a page long i went into details, tired to repeat, see long post in Why no squire for Portugal ? It does seem kind of random
Prio 1:
o HC
-receive 5 HP, and 5% accuracy
o Stepp lancer
- Greatly buffed so that they can replace knights.
See the long steplancer discusions thread:
Steppe Lancer civilizations should lose Knights
Cureently it is either better than knights or worse than Hussar. It doesnt really have a relevant enoguh niche (raiding only)
o Longsword and Two handed Swordmen
- Reduced Upgrade Food Cost
Prio 3
o Vikings
-Slighly nerf the viking discount or the dock discount to open the water game up for more civs
(much better than buffingother water civs, is to nerf overperforming top warter civs in my opinion, discusses lesewhere already in detail…)
o Italians
- See italian dock tech nerf and compesated by age up discount above. THis is to make italians less overpowered on water and on the same time improve land game for them.
o Goths (hightest winrate)
- Start with -50 gold (since they got loom) or change the bonus such that loom is researched instatly instead
o Indians (highest winrrate in teamgaes but bad in 1v1)
-see above, lose +1 pierce armor for camels and get non elite battle elefants instead
There are more nerfs i would like to see, but those are even more controversial and i have posted in detail before
- Leithis and Keshiks gold cost inceased by +5 (leithis can stay the same if 2. was introduced thought)
- Lithaunas relic bonus stacks again to 5 and affects light cav again, but the lose blast furnace
- Teutons armor bonus +1/+2 is changed to siege only, iron clad instead grant +1 armor for cav, siege and infatry, including teutonic knights. elite teutonic knights lose 1 meele armor, compensated by iron clads and elite teunic knight tech cost reduced
If anyone cared even to read trough this, thank you. Now go ahead and disagree with me.