The Chinese should also have Cavalry Archer/hand gun cavalry

Building the Great Wall defense is the best way. Nomadic people ride horses and run after fighting. The Chinese are an agricultural civilization. There are not so many horses for combat. There is no more effective method except the city wall. 中国骑兵能打败匈奴、突厥骑兵,是因为当时中国的冶铁技术很发达,能生产最好的盔甲和武器,当时的中国骑兵是帝国精锐部队。


I don’t know much about the history of Europe. Through film and television dramas, I probably know that arrow cavalry is not the mainstream in Europe, and heavy armor cavalry is the favorite of Europeans… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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It would certainly add a new dimension and a new opportunity for a tactical switch to make people choose between certain units they want to use. Those are things that make watching RTS exciting.

Red Bull Wololo 5 was an amazing show and performance btw. Loved the outfits. :clown_face:

it’s also a good idea to change the fire spear cavalry into a long-range / semi long-range unit.


Except this isn’t the case for cav archers at all - there’s 3 in the game, each with different mechanics and stats.

I am pretty sure what I said accounts for those three units. They are each unique units that appear in one civ each?

Strange that they wanted to follow historic accuracy so much and give strange uniques like horse archers considering so many places had horse archers. Also giving the Chinese a unique siege weapon that was actually a Korean weapon. Longbows IRL were also much weaker than horse archers, and making elephants a Unique unit is a troubling sign for future additions to the game.

Nest of bees rockets is a weapon invented by China.
And Koreans are just imitators.


Well they haven’t labeled the Rus horse archers as unique units. Which could mean they just happen to be the only ones with generic horse archers so far and there may be others.