The curious case of AoE 4 graphics (lots of screenshots)

They yes create the Game with correct proportions in mind because in alfa version we can see that. They changed that at the end of development in a hurry.

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aoe3 isn’t good readable in my opinion, thats why it is the only aoe that i only played for the campaigns and some skirmish for 70 hours.

I cant believe that after hours and hours of graphic analysis, this ppl (devs) still sleep on wonderful analysis and talents hidden in this forum, there are ppl who can support them with great ideas and they still do not do any changes I guess its a hard task to do… maybe it takes money… much time… or else I dont understand why they still hasnt changed this scale/size thing. AOE3DE looked so vibrant and very real maps (play amazonia, ozarks, baja california, patagonia, mexico those look amazing)


Hell no, AOE3DE turn me off because I can’t locate my Musketeers hidden themselve by some grassland.
AOE3DE readability is EXTREMELY AWFUL.

RTS do not need ray tracing, do not need crazy shader, do not need good scale, we only need readability, COH3 dev seems heard you guys complaining this and that kind of silly crap and made COH3 like crazy reflection and shaders, guess what? instant backfire, revert within two days.

An average cathedral scale correctly in the game should as big as 1.5 screen, you want it like this?


Scale does not mean “totally realistic scale” but scale that is consistent.
For example, one building has a normal door and the other building has a door for dwarves, next to a normal human being. That is what we call bad scale.


The scale problem has been discussed quite a while ago.
It seems to me that the original building sizes have consistent scales. But then they decide to shrink some buildings to fit in smaller tiles. Now instead of re-designing the model, they simply shrinked it, with variable ratios.
That is why some buildings have normal doors and roof heights while some have extremely small doors.



20 characters…

Actually they are doing the contrary in coh3, in COH2 buildings are super small and for Coh3 they changed and made those bigger because of people complaining, I never ever had any readability issue in COH, buildings needs to be bigger first because they sold the game in that way and second because it looks awful with current sizes.


Nah, it is the shader, desert map means to be extremely shiny like the sun hurting your eyes, COH3 made this.
Reality yes, but how can we play the game while the screen making our eyes hurt?

I am totally okay with AOE4 graphics.

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Nobody has said that. Next time try reading.

Also, it’s fine if you don’t like graphic enhancements and eye candy. I would honestly tell you you came to the wrong franchise, but since we shouldn’t scare the competitive minority away, what I would say is that you have the graphic settings to tweak to your liking. Hate gaia? There should be a setting to get rid of it. Hate bloom or ray tracing? Disable it. Shadows distract you? Same. Hell, you want massive units so you can see them easily? Size slider would do the trick.

It makes absolutely no f… sense to kneecap a game’s graphics just because a certain audience decides it for everybody.


Less Brightness? There are graphic settings for this reason. Every players should be able to play as he want. But you don’t set Graphic on low because a some professional players said that because readability Is too important during the competitive matches. When we’ll learn that E-sport Is a Little part of AOE we’ll can see why so many people were critizing the graphic aspects.


That further enhances my belief that RTS is doomed.
Almost every other genre from SLG to FPS has found a way to incorporate modern graphics. RTS just cannot.

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It’s easier if one accepts that some genres do better without worrying about perfect realism. Chess would be very odd if you needed to play with realistic horses against correctly scaled towers. And meanwhile a Queen walking around is most powerful. How does one person even attack a stone tower?

Age of Empires is at its best when it falls somewhere on the chess spectrum.

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Should be a middle ground between chess and realism, like AoE 1, 2 and 3 did.

You can’t have something like the small trees mod for AoE 2 done to the whole franchise, just because a relatively large group finds it useful. That would be taking the chess analogy to its extreme. You can give people options, and let them decide for themselves. Either via modding or in-game settings. The AoE 2 modding community has done a great job at making what was originally a non-competitive RTS fit that role.

But if you start with a graphically barren game, it’s way harder for modders to go the other way.


Yes, this is my thesis statement.


Mmm, we have age IV ( with dated graphics) homeworld 3, COH3 and now tempest rising , RTS is far from dead.

Why not? COH, Sf3 and AOE3de have a modern graphic.


the problem of aoe4 graphics imo are 3 key factors. As the game looks fine for me with just some extra details .

1-Color palette , X019 colors were much better but people didnt liked it , those who didnt liked it clearly are in a more dissapointment now . I always supported the X019 colors , i believe it was the great step forward , sadly , they changed it.

2-They tried to please old pc’s , remember when they back said the game was designed to be 4k? well , now because of the LOD settings of the current zoom , we cannot see that detail at all.

3-Everything looks not alive , from buildings to the animals . It just doesnt feel like it did before.


Yes RTS don’t need massive graphics but they need to fit the setting at least, Age IV environment is semi realistic and it looks nice but units, units seems to be from a different world… Also what happened with corpses and blood from age 2?

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Age of Kings and III hit a sweet spot in their own domains, with Online also being very well executed, stylized take on AoE formula.

If anything IV, initially (it got slightly better with time), took some lessons from AoE I. But that game came out in ancient times where 800x600 resolution was great and capabilities of PC very limited. That’s why scales, sizes, proportions etc. are very much off.

But we’re not in 1998, there are not objective hardware reasons for this design. We can speculate about IV being designed also for some kind of mobile release, but it didn’t release on any mobile console, touchscreen device or anything like that.

Pretty much whenever people were talking about that stuff often many agreed that it’s just a stylistic, art direction. Hard to disagree, at the same time it’s both very subjective and very much open to criticism.
Personally it grew on me but I still would prefer a different approach.

Readability was never brought up with 2 or 3, I do not see a reason for clean, simplified, viewer-friendlier stylistics and asset design.

It won’t change, all I can hope is that V will aim for something more robust and grounded in some spots.
I’m fine with token-ish approach to presentation for 4X games. This ain’t one.