The Devs are still working on AOM Retold So we should expect a delay on DLC for AOE 3 DE!

AOM still has many bugs and the devs are continuously working on it
So we should expect a delay on DLC and even patches, fixes, updates, balance enhancements!

In fact, they released a new update for the game this day


I think there is already enough negativity and doomium


Is not negativity
It is about facts!

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It’s still mind boggling why then cannot find ONE living human being to respond to the players’ inquiries even once in the past 8 months, despite there have been many, while they can normally speak to players of all other games. I don’t know how occupied they are by AOM to even speak. I can accept a delay or cancellation, but they need to communicate. I don’t want to waste my time posting bug reports, requests and ideas only to help you improve the other games.

They can respond to people’s random questions about other games on the forum, but not here. They are still functioning but don’t bother doing the minimum for us, don’t even bother pretending they care. No respond to bug posts. No respond to serious questions. No attempt to appease people’s anger.

I feel either they are planning something really bad, or they are facing something really bad. That’s why they are playing dead waiting for people’s enthusiasm for this game wears off, then they can get away with it.


maybe start posting on other forums :slight_smile: seems the only way


This is five different posts I already made about different aspects of their poor treatment (in a period of more than a month) zipped into one because they are “repetitive” :slightly_smiling_face:
One of them is about the weird AOE3 exclusive ads about the other games.
One of them is about brainstorming promotional materials.

Well but of course they are all “repetitive”. So they have to be merged.

And the forum does not allow you to edit titles so most of the important messages are lost :slightly_smiling_face:

None of them has gotten any “official” respond beyond that.


At this rate , if the last two people will be left on the forums they might classify their replies and repitative xD

I want to say I’m amazed we’ve had an 8-month drought but I’d be lying considering the history of WE’s attitude towards 3DE.


Still a new low tbh.

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It is normal that they pay more attention to AOM retold since at the moment it is new and updating it is a priority for developers, also I have noticed that the steamdb assets for AOE III DE stopped being updated at the end of August and are no longer There have been more updates which suggests that possibly the new DLC is already finished and they are just waiting for a specific date to release information about the new expansion of Poland and Denmark, at the moment they must be working on the new expansion of the Chinese to AOM retold and they must also be working on the new content for AOE II DE since there are only 3 months left to finish this year and both projects must be finished soon, my theory is that the AOE III DLC is already finished that would explain why they ended the updates in steamdb


It’s not that they cannot. It’s that they will not. I think that’s pretty clear.


I think that’s all fine and it makes sense.

My bugbear however, is that it would be lovely just for someone ‘official’ to say something. Anything.

  • “We can’t wait to show-off the DLC!”
  • “We’re busy polishing the DLC!”
  • “Coming soon ;)”
  • “It’s delayed and won’t be with you fine AOE customer until early next year”
  • “We all hate AOE3 and especially hate all you AOE3 players - we’ve decided to not bother with DLC and out of spite we’ve introduced the Poles and Danish into AOM with giant Winged Hussar and Espingol titans, along with a Home City system”

Any of these responses would be fine
 because regardless of good/bad/odd news, at least it is some communication and the community can take that, absorb it and carry on their lives.

The NDAs seem so crazily tight that I don’t think the Devs can even fart without facing some kind of sentencing.


Surprise they are patching a game that came out last month?

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“We love you all. Our devs love all games. But please buy AoM, that is why we love you right now.”


I don’t think anybody is surprised about that. People are surprised that devs respond to posts on AoM forums but there were bug reports here as well, and they couldn’t even say, “Thanks for the report. We will look into it soon.”

P.S.: And what is with these mods being completely unsupportive of the sentiments against the publishers? Very fishy.


They can also respond VERY FAST to legacy bugs too.

Seriously, are they doing these out of spite?

Or has the 3 haters and 3DE haters finally taken over the series’ management?


It’s not fishy, it’s NDA please understand :relieved:

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You can bash the devs freely when it is only about the devs.

But when you talk about the Worlds Edge’s management, people will come and tell you to calm down and be realistic.


I think they used to do that for a long time around launch?

We even got the ability to get the US faction for free as a “sorry we messed up the launch”.

I can and have been critical in some ways but were not getting a patch faster by complaining about it.

I wish we had more patches, and i hope they fix the treaty ranking Issues.


I wish they simply come out and say they are tracking one bug or two like they did for legacy.

I don’t even care when they will patch it (though I should and have every right to). I only need something this simple.

If they don’t even want to do that, it only shows they are not willing to do anything for the game at all. And I will remain suspicious about the DLC.

They have eight months already to do one simple thing to address the doubts. I have no idea why it is so difficult for them, unless they really are planning to abandon us and fearing the backlash.

EDIT: and Inferno said he already “asked” about the monthly challenge three weeks ago and still no response. It could either be an intentional restart, or an oversight that they will fix soonTM. Either can be decided in 10min and announced in 5min. And there still is not any response yet.

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