Nobody cares but we also have passed the anniversary of…

Are we getting any updates?

Again, don’t blame inferno. He is not in charge of this and can only say what the company allows.


Hilarious and genius that you posted this. It’s been over 13 months since the above was stated and got all of our hopes up, only to go completely silent with a full on reverse uno card.

Nerf Ottos & USA already.


WE decided the best way to communicate with the playerbase is not to communicate at all.


To be fair, Inferno was probably overruled from someone up higher.

I think the Devs probably wish they could talk to us more.


At least the “instead of just posting game news” part was fulfilled.
We are not receiving any game news now.


I love Age of Empires 3, but I also love Age of Mythology, and I’m so happy that Retold is coming out in a few days, that the lack of communication or that they have forgotten the anniversary, I don’t care. Now, if we finish the year and there’s still no new content for AOE3, I’m going to be angry :angry:

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Last year:

  • Updates every other month.
  • PUP news.
  • The game became free to play.
  • New explorer skin monthly mechanic.

This year:

  • The 42 seconds (Yes, I counted them) hint at a DLC back in February.
  • No updates, no balances, no hot-fixes.
  • Desperate memes.


What I’d expect from that half-announcement: no new maps, no new campaigns, two “new” factions taken from fan mods…

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time to retire for me xD

Could anyone from WE come and copy paste the following text?
“We’re working on (fill in the blank here). We’ll share more information with you very soon!”

Won’t take you 1min. And that already improves the communication as you promised.


Exactly (20 characters)


Yes please. That is absolutely minimal effort but it at least shows that there is a light still switched on for AoE3.

Guys, our voices are heard! They finally acknowledge our existence!

Which is: you all go and play AOMR


shame that the atlantean favour generation is so bad that it don’t matter :smiley:

Faudrait déjà que aom retold fonctionne chez moi pour le constater ou non :rofl:

why have they never done this for us like its always AOE3 players will like this on aoe2/4/m. Never aoe 4 players will like this in aoe 3

Well they actually did. They said AOE2 players will find Inca familiar.
But in the meantime they will never say literally nothing to AOE2 players for more than six months.

Thats why Atlantean in AOMR is nerfed to the ground :smiley:


They could talk to AoM players about German SW literally being atlantean citizens, or about Ottomans training auto.atically villagers (with no cost tho) and Battlefield construction being norse way of play or about asian wonders being god powers.

Anyways AoM plauers are the most likely to play AoE III :confused:

As always the most frustrating thing about this game’s handling is not “they don’t know how to” but “they simply don’t want to”.

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