The future of Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition

Lo que me parece algo interesante es que chile fue el envió todo el armamento y militares a liberar Perú, san Martin se había quedado sin tropas después de pelear en chile, así que le pidió a O’Higgins que financiara toda la expedición libertadora del Perú y este lo hizo xd incluso después de ayudar a Perú iba a ir a México pero estos ya se habían independizado XD, busca eso es un hecho real y es algo gracioso.

PD: Feliz día de la independencia para Cero17893

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Me alegra saber que San Martin ayudo a chile y me alegra que O’Higgins en respuesta por esa ayuda le prestara su apoyo para liberar a otras naciones de Sudamérica.

Bueno la intención es lo que cuenta. :laughing:

Me encantaría que las revoluciones del juego representaran un poco el apoyo mutuo que tuvieron las revoluciones de Sudamérica. :smile:

Quizás podrían agregar envíos de aliados para todas las civilizaciones de Sudamérica. :thinking:

The infinity fort is better than the explorer’s ability to rebuild it. It takes forever.

It could work similar to ‘warship’ where it is infinite, but after the second time you pay coins for it.

The infinite factory is another story XD. If it can be rebuilt it should be hard to do.

A long time has already passed and we still don’t know anything about the future of this game…

Even one new civ added to this game would make me feel better.


AoM is taking a lot of capacity because its the same engine. I bet we will get a big DLC next year.


Didn’t a big patch drop recently? Also, I was porting AoE2 Lepanto to WoL, and used the Greeks as Greek villages but given that there weren’t rodeleros for the Spanish, I droped the project

Or most likely, even more energy will go into AoM, patches and expansions

About the balloon card, What is the sense of manually destroying it? I suggest that enemy artillery has a chance to destroy this ball/

Na,in June will be a new dlc,maybe in Southeast Asia…


I really hope that around the release of the Return of Rome DLC for AoE 2, the developers will give us some announcement of the DLC for AoE 3.

If a DLC was announced (or at least something appeared on SteamDB) for AoE 3 in May, then maybe we could get something in mid-June at the earliest. I would rather expect solo civ DLC, e.g. Brazilians civ.

But most of all, I’d like to see any roadmap for AoE 3 that could give us some insight into the developers’ ideas for this game in the near future.

This kinda feels like a dreamer thread. Most of the ideas will be impossible to balance, so will likely never make it into the game - BUT WHO CARES!!! We need this kind of creative mindset as part of the community to give the devs some ideas for future patches and updates. Even if only a handful of the ideas here make it through to the devs it will be worth it. :blush:

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Not going to happen because no people will buy dlcs of a broken game… :smiley:

Yeah. You can’t identify units. So the game must be broken. That makes complete sense.

Yep, blame the game for not knowing how to visually remember Neftenyas and Forest Prowlers. I am sure it’s not a problem from your end.

(I am kidding. It is indeed an issue with just you on these forums. Most people seem to be having fun with all their unique units and skins and names.)


The game is dying. Nobodies hardly even commenting on the pup anymore.

Not a single comment in 5 days.

Total lack of interest at this point. The game is fun and I enjoy it much of the time but the total refusal to make reasoned balance changes has overcooked the goose.

Maybe there isn’t much to say anymore. It is also a basic patch, nothing of the other world.


No hay comentarios sobre el PUP porque ya se exprimió al máximo el tema. Si nadie descubre algún bug no sé comenta.


El año pasado se estuvo calmo como ahora y ya en mayo nos trajeron el DLC Caballeros del Mediterráneo. De seguro nos revelan algo para finales de abril o mayo. Yo cruzo los dedos.


Kinda hard to comment on the PUP when its not available.


De seguro este martes lo hacen publico

Just anther proof why cOmPeTiTiVe RTS should go to “the first chapter of Dante’s Divine Comedy”.

These people strive to make games painful for themselves and everyone else. Not only that. They even venture out to make discussions about the games uncomfortable.