The future of Roman civilization in AoE2 after Chronicles + DLC and marketing proposal

This topic it’s not about an upcoming roman faction in Chronicles, Roman faction will be in Chronicles in the future it’s just a question of time.

This topic is about the future of the actual roman civilization released in the DLC Return of Rome

First I play to the age of series since the 90’s I enjoyed to play to Age of Empires 1 but prefer Age of Empires 2 because the gameplay is far superior. I play all the new campaign of Return of Rome. There are good campaign with enhanced gameplay but it’s still AoE1 gameplay and AoE2 gameplay is far superior. I bought the Return of Rome DLC more for the Roman civilization in AoE2 than for the AoE1 content.

I love the antiquity and appreciate Chronicles : the gameplay of AoE 2 in the antiquity so give us more chronicles and more classical AoE2 medieval DLC

I think most people will not buying the Return of Rome DLC either because they love more Chronicle or because they already own AoE1 DE. Those who don’t want to buy a 15$ DLC just to play with the roman civilization and don’t care about the AoE1 content will not buy the DLC. This DLC have only a rating of 48%. Also the AoE1 DE number of player are still at an average of 1000 players according to steam database and the release of Return of Rome DLC had not changed this. Also with the increase of the base game price of AOE2 DE (20$ to 33$, +15$ for Return of Rome) it’s 48$ for just 1 civilization more for those who don’t want to play AOE2 DE and the AoE1 DE it’s at 5$ on sales.

I made the following suggestions :

1 Add the Lac Viet in AoE1 DE for free

Those who don’t want to play AoE2 content will never pay 48$ for just one civilization. So be gentle with them and put the Lac Viet for free in AoE1 DE. This can make the vietnamese playerbase happy.

2 Give the Roman civilization for free to all players

You can give the Roman civilization for free. You need to buy the Return of Rome DLC if want want to play the 3 campaign of RoR. It’s not the best option because the developers need remuneration for their work.

3 Roman civilization only DLC for 5$
Make a roman civilization only DLC for 5$ (and give them for free to the owner of the Return of Rome DLC because they already own the civilization and it’s good to say : look I have al the AoE2 DLC)

It’s a fair deal we gain an option to buy only the roman civilization for a normal price (5$) and this DLC will cost nothing on term of development because the work is already done. For Microsoft this option is a pure cash grab.

4 Roman civilization + Aegidius campaign for 5$

In this option you add a good campaign. The Aegidius Campaign by Manu La Capuche.

I think than this must be an official campaign some day :

In this campaign you play at Aegidius the 6 scenarios are very, and the cutscene are good. The scenario included many trigger and options. He event made a reskin of the Coustillier in a axe rider for the burgundian. All the scenarios are voiced in english. The only bad thing in this campaign it’s than it’s not translated (I’m french).

In this option you have only to translate the campaign (and please this time translate correctly the early medieval burgundian in french), this will not cost much in term of development. We are not against selling workshop content at DLC but for a fair price. Victor and vanquished is just a copy paste with 5 original scenarios. Also you promoted them at campaigns DLC and their is no campaign, just scenarios, don’t lie to the community, if you want to sell scenario DLC call just them scenario DLC.

5 Barbarian invasion DLC : 2 civilizations + roman civilization + 3 campaigns + Aegidius campaign for 15$

A barbaric invasion themed DLC.

In this option I propose a normal DLC (2 civilization +3 campaign) enhanced with a civilization already existing and a campaign of the workshop who need only translation to be sold.

Three civilizations : 2 new civilizations : Vandals (cavalry + naval), Suebi (archer) + Romans (already existing)
Four campaigns : Vandals, Suebi, Frank (Clovis), Romans (Aegidius, already existing, need only translation)

Give Palintonon to some early medieval civilizations

I think it’s good to give Palintonon to some early medieval civ for better historical accuracy instead of the Trebuchet. Trebuchet arrive only in 6 th century in Europe.

So give Palintonon to the Romans, the Huns, the Goths, the Vandals and the Suebi. You can also replace Trebuchet by Palintonon in campaign who takes place in Europe before the VI th century : Attila the Hun, Alaric, Gaiseric, Vortigern (and those proposed in this post : Clovis)

**Good french translation please this time **

Also this time make a good french translation, we call the burgundian people of early middle age period : Burgondes (Please rename the burgundian Burgondes in the french version of the Attlia campaign). And we call the burgundian of the late medieval : bourguignons. The burgundian of early middle age in the french version must be called : Burgondes


Naval and cavalry civilization. UU rider. Arson apply to cavalry unit. Have camel. Discount for the demolition raft line.

Campaign : A full campaign who tale the journey since Germany to Africa who end with the naval battle of Cape Bon. First they vandalized France my country, then vandalized Iberic peninsula, after they vandalized Africa and finally they vandalized Rome himself. So let’s us to be good barbarian, looting, burning and beheading christian martyr (according to historians the vandals beheaded St Nicasius of Rheims and St Didier of Langres)

I think than the Vandals deserve more than just one scenario like the one in Victor and vanquished.


Archer civilization. UU : Angon thrower. The angon was a spear used by some germanic peoples, when throwing he can stick in a shield. And if it sticks in the shield, it fixes in it at once and is carried around with it, the butt dragging on the ground. The Angon thrower is a similar to the axe thrower of the Frank, it’s an infantry ranged unit who deal melee damage. Like the obuch the ranged armor (and only the ranger armor) is lowered by 1 at each attack. So you attack with angon thrower who lower enemy ranged armor and your archers must finish him.

Campaign : the story of the Suebi people from Germany to their kingdom in Iberic peninsula. In their journey they invade Gaul with the Vandal and the Alans, after this they invade Iberic peninsula with the two former people and stay in Galicia after than the Vandals and the Alain were beaten and leave to Africa. The campaign with a fight against the Wisigoth in Spain.

Clovis Campaign

The man who found my country. In this time the frank were not the mighty knights there were footed soldier who throw axe (la francisque !). The campaign can be related by St Remigius, Bishop of Reims who convert Clovis. This campaign talk about the combat of Clovis and his progressive adoption of christianity.

1 Battle of Soissons : he fight Syagrius the last roman here. Also don’t forget to talk about the Vase of Soissons in the cutscene : Souvient toi du vase de Soissons ! (Remember the Vase of Soissons)

2 battle of Tolbiac : he fight the Alamans and chose to convert to christianity here. Also you can conquer the thuringian kingdom (your mother was thuringian) In the end cutscene talk about his baptism to christianity in Reims here.

3 Fight against the burgundian : he fight the burgundian, here the reskin of the burgundian Coustillier in a axe rider can be useful.

4 Battle of Vouillé : he fight against the Wisigoth. Now Clovis is a catholic christian and can sell to his new gallo roman catholic subdjet that this war is a religious war against the arianic christian wisigoths. In this scenario you have option to beat this wisigoth making you allyes. Yo can let your frankish warriors who are still pagan to loot the church to have resource or you can protect the church to gain support of the local gallo roman catholic population (you gain legionary and centurion), but if you support the christian your frankish pagan warrior can revolt.

5 Unification of the Franks : There is various frankish kingdoms in this time, in order to unify the frank : assassinate the other frankish kings !

So dear developer I made you suggestions, now it’s your decision, you can give us nothing, a Roman civilization only DLC or a wonderful Barbarian invasion DLC with 3 civilizations and 4 campaigns.