The last 2 Civs Confirmed

It was not religious beliefs, that has been debunked. The Aztecs were not naive, they could see that the Spanish were mortal, flesh creatures, just like them. It was precisely the way they did war (cannon, mounted charges, organized volley fire) and that they defied the Aztec gods unpunished, that started the rumours that the Spanish were somewhat divine.

When your entire culture is based on sacrifice to make the Sun rise each morning, and the Spanish ban sacrifices for weeks, yet the Sun still rises, you have 2 possible reactions: Either your gods are not real, or the Spanish are stronger gods.


Are you shur? I honestly can’t find any info on that, I found statements like " It’s unlikely there was much or any interaction, though they may have been aware of each other. It is true that we don’t have evidence of trade between Mesoamerica and the Andes." and so on. And they were also quite distant from each other.

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Before going to bed, I’d like to give you a campaign proposal for this DLC:
Moctezuma II - Aztecs vs. Spaniards
Siege of Cusco - Incas vs. Spaniards
Reconquista - Spaniards vs. Abbasid Dynasty?

AOE2? AOE3? The AOE civs always took some liberties. Complete historical accuracy would be not fun, else Kievan Rus would get crushed by China on any day of the week.

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AoE2 did it well, AoE3 went the asymmetric route, and failed miserably. None of the Native civs (even the newer Incas) are competitively viable.

Relic wants to go for realism, so I am holding them to it.

Actually, as far as I know, Lakota are extremelly strong early on but fall off in late game, so no, they’re viable within their identity.

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Never denied this. But some liberties doesn’t equate to the major liberties the natives take

Don’t compare the watermelon to the grape

In fact to further highlight the technological inferiority, i would say that even the Ancient armies of Rome, Greece, Persia, Babylon whatever would still be more than the natives could handle

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Not true at all, Lakota are very viable, Inca are also one of the best civs because of flexibility, haudenosaunee are arguably the best early game civ, Aztec are the only non viable one.

but even these games included them later in separate add-ons. They were added to AoE2 with the Spanish which was reasonable.

Sorry for my bad english

They are unfortunately not, since teh whole Meta is too strong. At higher levels, there is basically only Sweden and Japan.
Lakota are “Rush or lose” civ.

Only on Team Games, in 1v1 you almost never see them. Civs without Falconets or equivalent on Age 3, are not viable.

Spoiler Alert: people for whom the game brings joy will say it’s properly realistic and well made. Those who find little joy will disagree. Arguments about realism will ensue but the deciding factor will always be visceral joy. I hope AoE4 brings everyone joy.


They take about as many liberties as any civ in the game, which means a lot. Infinite Ammo archers? Small skirmishes? Not that many simple infantry warriors in your army composition…

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Realism is what creates my joy. That’s why I love AoM the most. It is the most realistic

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Yes. Age of Empires Online brings me endless joy. I hope everyone finds their game of endless joy.

I agree, more realism - more immersion.

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That’s why japan is the best civ in the game right!?

Lakota are very prevalent in 1v1, they are one of the best semi ff civs, and they are an acceptable rush civ, Inca in 1v1 are a hard civ to play but once you get used to them their late colonial is very powerful.

They take more liberties than than.

Doing damage to non native civs?
Running faster than a horse rides?
Being able to beat armies that would crush them in real life?

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AoM is highly unrealistic, however.
It is also where a Nat-Am would fit the most, since mythologies are on more comparable power levels.

That’s definitely off-topic, but I hope for the DE treatment with an extra civ like Babylonians, Maya or Yoruba.

It is fantasy yes but at least it is accurate fantasy

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