The last 2 Civs Confirmed

Japan has Flaming Arrows, which are a hybrid between Falcs and Culvs, so yes, it makes sense.

AoEO does the Babylonians tremendous justice. They are a lovely Econ heavy powerhouse with some serious teeth.


Inca has the huraca witch is the hybrid of culvs and mortars, so if your going to say hybrid units count then clearly this should also count. Also Inca get light cannons from forts but that’s in age 4 so huraca is a more fair comparison.

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I honestly wanted to try out AOEO but somehow I got a virus warning while downloading Project Celeste so didn’t try it again.

Accurate fantasy is like dry water. Doesn’t exist.

Huaracas are really not as good, Inca runs on the back of Chimu Runners and Jungle Bowmen, and you know it.
They have no trainable unit that actually performs like a Falconet, in any capacity.

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Nobody is saying they shouldn’t be in the game, they are just saying that the people saying the Inca or Aztec were among the greatest powers in the world is not true. They were very powerful in their region. But they were not a match for their contemporary military powers, as history shows.



That’s because in most games Inca stays In the second age because their age 2 economy is incredible, but on the occasion they do hit age 3, huracas are always important.

Exactly this.

I say it again:
I want them to get added into the game, but I do not want hyper-unrealistic shennanigans, like Infantry that runs faster than Cavalry, Arrows that deal damage like Catapults, or Canoes that can kill Carracks.


Eagle warriors do not run faster than knights or light cav, lol

Both of these do no where near as much damage as what you compare them too, but they rely on numbers.

If they wouldn’t have been weak to Old world diseases and in the midst of a civil war, I’m 100 percent sure the Incas would have beaten any incoming Spanish army.


So was Cortes. He respected them a heck of a lot.


this. I just stumbled on someone saying that the Incas were a world power and was like “dafaq?”

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They definitely were.

They would have done better than the Aztecs (heck, the Mississipians did!) but they would never resist a full-on Spanish invasion with a force comparable to that used in the Old World, which is more or less what happens in AoE games.


wow the pic is too big

Why are you 100% sure? Also I don’t believe the Inca were weakened by European diseases at the time of the Spanish invasion. They were weakened by the civil war though.

Comparable to the fall of rome, the fall of the Inca was caused by many unlucky events happening at once.


Even if they would be at full strength, they would never be able to take on a neighbouring Eurasian power at full strength.

The Old Worlders were travelling hundreds of miles from the homeland, with reduced capacity to recover casualties and supplies, and still beat them with vastly inferior numbers.
Put Incas next to the Arabs, the Khmer, the English… on the same continent, but with the same tech level they had in reality, and even the weakest of these opponents would slaughter them in a war.

No, they just had an unsurmountable technological advantage, and a vastly superior style of warfare.
Old World tactics and strategy would have bested New World ones, even if the technologies were similar, as seen in the Beaver Wars.


yeah I know, I just turned on the joker mode