The New Boyar Vs Best Paladins?

Boyars cost gold. Gold is hard to come by in 1 vs 1. Since there is no trade.

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And? Is the boyar purpose by design, is fine

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You are assuming gold is infinitely more expensive. 80F ~ 12G. So if a Boyar takes down 7 Hussars, it has paid for itself. Not to mention the 6 free population can support 6 villagers, which will mean a better economy.

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You missed the point - how many pikes does a teutonic knight need to kill to pay for itself? It’s a heavy armor unit - there are certain matchups you don’t use to say a unit is balanced or not. Same for the Boyar - which pikes will do well against btw and archers will have fun with them as well as cav archers - sending hussars against Boyar is like sending mass Halbs against Teutonic Knights.

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uhh archers aren’t really all that great against boyars.


Boyars aren’t exactly huskarls either against archers nor are they on a common palladins’ level much less a frank palladins’ vs them as far as vs archers they’re like the middle child of a Cavalier and a palladin with Teutonic knight blood mixed in, and they’re slower than most fully upgraded palladins to boot(if I’m remembering correctly)

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Missing bracer hurts. But boyars have good PA, slavs have good eco to spam cavalry vs archers and they have cheaper Rams and onagers. I would say that slavs are completely fine vs archers

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they literally take 50 shots to kill. the only units superior to that are the likes of the paladin, the tarkan, the keshik and the huskarl.

yeah but it’s not as expensive to tech to boyar either. 50 shots vs 60 isn’t that big of a change. go look at the cavalier with its paltry 35 shots to kill, and then tell me they aren’t good against archers.

barely. but considering they literally beat paladins most the time, and are solid against archers as well, that’s more then a fair trade off.


Wow, increasing the melee armor by 2 was a big change actually. So now Elite Boyars are basically Mounted Teutonic Knights :rofl:


I mean, let’s be honest. An elite unit which has it’s core competency being melee durability… losing to generic FU Paladin doesn’t make a lot of sense. That’s what the Boyar used to be.

Now it actually beats generic Paladin, which makes sense, given how it’s slower, weaker against arrow fire, made out of a castle, and more expensive in terms of gold. I don’t see the problem here.