The patch is going to kill China

Im so happy that China doesn’t work anymore , it was broken , since the beta , it was HORRIBLE , a really fun civ but it was broken , Now guys who massed siege , LEARN TO PLAY THE GAME and play China the same way the game was planned to play .

Just play with units!

(Note : I agree that they could make China healthier in the early game)

Play the game the fun way! Play with units! Play with units that are worse than other civ and get smacked everygame ! The fun way to play the game !

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So glad to see China getting nerfed, it was a long time in the coming.

As for their winrate? In teamgames, China players will 9 times out of 10 build a wonder. They seem to tunnel vision it so hard that they will just hope that their teammates defend them in the mean time.

Perhaps, now that their siege ball is nerfed, it will be harder to defend those wonders and force them to play the game with a bit more imagination.

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Lol the goal of an RTS shouldnt be to “survive” to a point where the rock, paper, scissors mechanic goes out the window


Yeah , massing Siege was fun? I don’t think so!


You know what is not fun either? Beeing bottom tier civ.

Such a shame that you have to spam siege to be good.


Exactly, and the civ was not good even then, chec the ratings. Siege nerf is justified but china needs a massive buff to compensate for it. Look at the mongols, they dominate the ratings for MONTHS and get a gentle adjust here and there. The chinese on the other hand have 1 namely ONE viable tactics ang gets the nerhammer of thor, see the problem or will you play dumb ?

I disagree. With siege balls nerfed it will be even harder to destroy those wonders.

In many ways you will probably be right.

However, as China mains seem to be the worst culprits for building wonders I was hoping that the people who main them will try other factions lol.

In fact, China is not a civilization with cheap infantries in history. China was very weak in the 18th and 19th century, but it had very advanced technologies in the Middle Ages.

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At the same time, it mainly recruited lots of farmers.
infantry means simply footmen.
They did have advanced technology, but its army was mainly footmen.
It would use its population to overcome smaller powerful armies.

Chinese players are actually uninstalling this game because of these terrible balanced patches. At least, more than half of my friends who played AOE4 have uninstalled it because of the unfair balance. We can see that the players of AOE4 is becoming less and less.
The win rate of Chinese has already been very low during Patch 10257. China will become the weakest civilization in Patch 11009.


play abbasid before cry a river.

As I said I agree they could buff China early game , nothing more

the point of this post is not keep siege a cancer, but china is trash tier with this patch

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2 months were enough to dominate and destroy ladder with FL. Good luck.

When did ever China dominated the ladder ?

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That’s not how you balance a civilization. All must be competitive, whether or not they have dominated before.

I think I already posted it, but China needs discounts on their extra Landmarks.

I agree that early age for China - sucks and should be fixed.
But Bombards were a PROBLEM.

they have 2 months to post there suggestion. and obviously, they were busy spamming FL + bombards.
Get what they deserved.

it’s obvious where China struggle: in feudal. It has nothing with bombards.