The unknown map

Well there’s no historical battle where you play as or against the Dutch, so

I think it’s the bonuses from the historical battle map “The Eighty Years’ War”

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That’s not a battle, that’s a map

I never want to hear about how awfull salamanders are again…

Yes there is a hunt there:

The joys of Unknown :slight_smile: #bestmap


esses pássaros deveriam esta no mapa Bahia e minas gerais pois tem algum animais la que não são da região, os passaros deveriam ser um ± para fidelidade da região

esos pajaros que salen en la foto vuelan o igual corren? xd


quizas no deberia preguntarlo aqui, pero no queria abrir otro hilo para molestar pero creo que encontre 2 errores pequeños que no afectan mucho realmente pero me parecieron curiosos.

1: el cajon de 150 de recursos que te da el iman al avanzar con los otomanos no se ve afectado por la carta de ruta de la seda ya que no le agrega recursos adicionales
2: El juego no cuenta los recursos invertidos en los lombardos ni tampoco los envios de recursos de (700, 1500 y 3000 respectivamente) osea que el italiano puede tener 18.000 de recursos según la puntuación pero realmente tuvo como 28.000 gracias a las inversiones xd

como dije son 2 cosas minimas que ni se notan pero me parecieron curiosas xd



Nah, this was the first


este tesoro me parecio por que es una fortaleza huari (en la misión del 3rd acto se encuentran en la ultima ciudad inca) y me parecio interesante, podria servir como guardian de tesoro en los mapas de los andes o incluso poner más de este tipo de edificios como guardias de tesoro


picture of the woodcattle.
Was really nice to have them on a “Lost”-map. They just work like normal cattle, but boi they are walking slow…

(villager gatherrate on them is 2w/s)


if you manage to get them again, you should try to use their other feature


I played a game where it spawned a bunch of nitroglycerin petards that blew my TC up.


One of the things I love about the Unkown map is the randomness of the native sites.


This map seemed normal till age two when out popped a Mayan castle and everyone had the ability to train Cruzob infantry via there barracks and light cannons via their artillery foundry or native embassy. It was the greatest experience of my Incan career to finally have a Musketeer and a cannon unit. you don’t realize how much you miss those two mainline units till you come back to a civ that has them. :joy: :joy: it was bliss to be able to kill a cannon and not sacrifice 20 chimu.

Anyway I can prioritize that version of unknown when I host please let me know I feel a void inside now when i play inca and it can only be filled with light cannons and Cruzob :rofl: