THE UX Designer at Relic is Wrong about catering to wider audience

Then it must still be several years away until release. Perhaps an announcement similar to AoEIV’s 2017? Sounds very stretched to me to be Relic and work full stream on two big franchises and release them about the same period. We’ll see tomorrow but a part of me would actually feel slightly frustrated if my beloved AoE was actually in the hands of someone who was not giving it their full attention all these years or worse as you said, that had their more experienced team working on a different title. Especially when the result admittedly didn’t look as impressive as many expected.

Ok, allow me to honestly ask this:

What was Relic even supposed to do by AoE4, considering Microsoft wanted Age of Empires Online 2?

A) Refuse? They would have been fired and replaced with somebody else.
B) Or simply do a game that is doomed to fail.

There was never an option by Microsoft for Relic to make the game AoE Community wanted.

I can’t tell what MS exactly wanted or perhaps the only thing that I can tell with certainty is that they surely wanted a commercial success. But I agree that the big shots were likely taken by MS. Wasn’t that the role of World’s Edge in the first place? To supervise the whole development?

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AS mentioned a Lot by me, easy to learn hard to master is the Key phrase

So having a Focus partly on Newcomers is actually good AS the easy to learn Part is Always good.

You wont have less fun If they also cater to Newcomers. The Game stays quite complex, only Tutorials get better.

You suggest no PvP RTS exists, which IS wrong. IT isnt too large But exists. And Catering to Them also caters to General PvP. So where is the Downside?


So, it’s probably Company 3. IGN Will not cover it only for a DLC.


Could you please cite your authority for exactly what MS wanted? I have never seen this clearly stated, but you are treating it like an established fact.


also its farther in development than age 4 was 2017, as there will be “tons of news”, “gameplay” and more.

1 Adam Isgreen did several times confirm Relic did do what Microsoft wanted.

2 there was also this interview here google translation

Adam Isgreen: We mainly used things like Dota and Tower Defense to make everyone aware of the market potential for Age of Empires 4. Anyone who has ever dealt with a moba is also a potential Age of Empires player.


Dota e Tower defense? And than people Think this game is not for E-sport, lol.

I guess that’s why they design the landmarks the way they are now

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which is fine, noone wants to take hours searching the last vil :smiley:

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Do you even play AoE2 or any other games after AoE1

I played mostly age 2.
And especially with friends it was quite fun, but also time taking, to find the last damn one. Yes there is spies for that. But it still isnt that fun.

anyways, there wil probably be modes where destruction of X landmarks does NOT lead to victory.

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The deal breaker with Landmarks aren’t just because of the victory condition, the way they must be rebuilt at the same location is more of a concern (and don’t mention the Mongol, I’m aware of that, one civ doesn’t make up for 7+ civs that can’t relocate their landmarks)

Maybe the mongols if they move their landmark and replace it, the new position becomes the new position their landmark will have till you move it again.

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I think having to move will be very treacherous for Mongols as their landmarks could be rushed when packed.

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THe fact that “WARSHIPS” are more modern things and not realy AoE1-2 timeframe for once ^^ as well as the fact that most timeframe ships and the warships of AoE3 were not as big as a castle/fort :man_shrugging:


THose are samples of the biggest sail ships and they are like a house … but far of from a castle or church or towncenter ^^ ANd most ships where smaller than houses/mils ect.


I see neither as a problem, I wouldnt have mentioned mongols.

The landmarks are just like castles in a way, you have to place them in senseful places :wink:

Its a fair point they have to be rebuild where they were but I like it. If the enemy overwhelmed my main city, its okay if they are gone for good, maybe I can build up an army elsewhere (we dont know what happens with destroyed landmarks- will we age down? I doubt it. Itsonly a missing bonus from the building, is my guess) and take the place back.

I like tht sort of dynamic, you have to think about placement.


1st. You make a mistake. Almost every ship was much bigger than a house. With this picture you compare an old ship, with not a house, but with block of apartments. Houses before 100 years, were much smaller than a single apartment (and as you go back they were usually even smaller).

So, we have: Ships are much bigger than buildings. Buildings are much bigger than units. If a RTS would follow the correct scale, this would be a disaster. The units would not be visible at all compare to the rest of environment etc. Community ‘asked’ to make the elephants smaller so that they are not so big compare to the rest of the units. And they already were much smaller than the reality in comparison to the real scale they have vs infantry units etc.

So practically yes, bigger units in reality appear bigger in the game also. But the scale does not follow the reality because this would be a disaster. And this is not something they invested now. It is something every RTS game has.

DoW, AOE II etc → they had the correct scale between units and buildings for the RTS logic.
DoW III → They had much bigger buildings than units in comparison to DoW. Is it correct? Of course it is near to reality, but it was not the best scale for the RTS logic.

ANd most ships where smaller than houses/mils ect. —> absolutely wrong. In a battle ship lets say there were 100 people, they had food, water etc. In a house there was a family, lets say with 10 members, that they were sleepping all in the same room usually (usually storage house, WC were in different place outside the house). It was much smaller…


but again, we mostly talk castles here. Which, historically, also were bigger than around 4 houses.
And in regards to castles, ships were smaller and should be smaller.

But you are right, RTS dimensions are a thing for a valid reason.

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