The year is 2030 and you are tasked with Aoe2 definitive definitive edition, what would you change or add?

So the entire player base never has to play against Viper, Hera, Hoang, or anyone else like that? Lol.

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You are a primary AoE3 player, right? Just based of the idea of Batch Training, which I personally would not be a fan of having come into AoE2.

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The ability for servers to not ā– ā– ā– ā–  themselves on a regular basis so I can play the game.

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yes,but it is more for reasons of fluidity of the game,aoe 2 is more slower mechanically than aoe 3 and can end up being somewhat monotonous for future players accustomed to more modern games and rtsā€¦I prefer to build a barracks and be able to take out 5 units than build 5 barracks to get one unit at a timeā€¦I consider it impractical for the times that runā€¦but hey itā€™s just a simple opinion and things of mine nothing moreā€¦

I prefer the slower start of AoE2, it seems more strategic to me than the idea of batch training, where you can quickly put troops on the ground. I prefer to have to have a number of strategically placed buildings each producing a couple of units to make a large army than the AoE3 version. Just personal tastes I guess.

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  • Unique architecture sets.
  • Unique unit skins for each civ, optional to have on/off for each unit, for each civ, under settings
  • An inbuilt civ designer engine, either for custom lobbies, or just single player
  • A better AI. Also, why does the SOTL extreme AI say gg wp to him, but not to me? Is is just salty when I beat it, or does he have something else being added?
  • At least some of the stuff here
  • Lots of bug fixes.
  • Fixed matchmaking system.
  • Spectator chat, but maybe as an option that all players have to agree to before the game starts.
  • A more balanced Arabia.
  • New DLCs, but not Europe ones, at least for a while.

That is a big list, and some of it has already been said, but still.


Yes but do not think that it is so fast to get troops in the aoe 3, except for the issue of the homecity cards,the only thing is that if there are enough rushes at an early age and the game is a little more fluid in that senseā€¦the first troops would be more defensive,only in 3rd age is when the skirmishes beginā€¦

Without a doubt it is the best proposal! The community creating civilizations has infinite potential. It would not be limited to a select group where they only focus on the competitive and leave creativity very aside.

I would dare to say that it could be the future of RTS.


This is not new it was already in empire earth game.
Obviously the civi builder should be able to change unit voice sets buildings and unit and wonder graphics by using the ingame assets.


Tbh wasnt the civ editor of Empire Earth really limited?


says who ?
[Char Lim]

i would make a good AI so that everyone can enjoy the game

they made an attempt at multiplayer matchmaking and it failed miserably

I love how people suggest some ā€˜ā€˜civsā€™ā€™ that are even less important than the ones already in the game.
Itā€™s almost innocence to think tribes or names that never ever was mentioned on popular culture like:

Mississippians, Kongolese, Zimbabweans and Tongans on top of the 45 civs from DE (yes, they added Tamils, Bengals, Kanembu, Swahili, Georgians, Armenians in the mean time).


This existed in Voobly and worked fine. If you were at that level and banning them, youā€™d be ostracized lmao. Think before you type.

Who says people always care?

I do. :roll_eyes:

Iā€™ve played both EE games few days ago. They were not limited at all within given set of variables. The problem was these systems were very straightforward, shallow and kinda boring after the initial excitement. They provided enough added depth to praise them in the end.
AoEIIIs customization is much more refined, even in its current state where there are multiple ways to improve and expand it even further, after years of experience learned through releasing additional civilizations and player feedback gathered in the past 16 years. Still it holds quite well and if that was for me Iā€™d include some option to tinker and alter existing civs.

But itā€™s important to remember what competition was doing in these times. In 2001 it was a crazy, interesting, innovative approach and very distinctive feature. When we look at the strategy genre as a whole, and not only RTS games, it turns out there is quite a lot civ/faction/nation-based games where a certain level of customization is available. By default or through modding. Often the best you could hope for was selecting ā€˜attitudeā€™ or ā€˜personalityā€™ of AI opponents, but that would mostly alter just the AI- build orders, swiftness with exploration, construction, resource gathering.
Even the better examples often hardly fit- like Civ subtypes in CnC:Generals, where aā€¦ general civ frame was heavily modified depending on the type of commanding general, that specialized in air combat, defense, rushingā€¦

Every game like that should have something similar. Itā€™s a fantastic feature that for many people greatly prolongs longevity, deepensā€¦ the depth of the strategic layer and just provides fun. And itā€™s a perfect mechanics to work with for any game with a planned, long post-launch support and multiplayer scene.

Itā€™s much easier to tinker and add content through layer like that, than modyfying core civ attributes and the default flavor.

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Zimbabwe was extetremely powerful, fairly longlasting and fairly influential for the world trade. Same goes for Kongo on an smaller scale.


Green Ping filter and restriction

Exactly my thinking. Another Indian civ sure but especially no more American tribes.

More player colours

Perfect pathfinding

Conquer the world mode would be good. Like risk. Anyone played warlords battlecry?

Say you invade central America in the world map. Then you would have to 1v1 the Mayans on a yucatan map. Then you find the Mongols have invaded your kingdom in central Asia and you can choose to let it go and lose bonuses or fight them next on a steppe map with plumed archers in your army (you get 50 pop carryover standing army you can fill with all sorts of units and can now also play as mayans which was locked before)

Better historical accuracy

Regional unit skins

Unique castle design

Mercenary buildings on map

Neutral factions on map

Buildable hero units

More civs. Nepali, Tibetan, Bantu, Nubian, Tamil, Georgian, Armenian