They blew up the Rus civilization with a single patch!

Hello, I have to say that I was very impressed by the ingenious way that the Rus civilization was developed in Age of Empires IV.

The motto of the Rus civilization in the game is: “EXPANSION, CAVALRY AND HUNTING”. According to the game itself. The story goes like this, the Rus Civilization throughout its history until it became Russia developed by hunting and selling game to the European market, profiting from animal skins. That’s why whoever created the civilization had the idea of ​​rewarding the scouts who hunted the animals and also created the ‘hunting cabin’ generating gold and creating more scouts to hunt, expand and the scouts are also the cavalry. Perfect!

And someone had the idea of ​​changing this, I’m sure this person wasn’t the same one who created the civilization because this idea is the opposite of being smart, fun and changes the entire concept of the civilization and the initial game. It makes the civilization collect gold in the first era, which leaves the villagers more exposed to attacks. It makes the game more boring because the map becomes less explored and interactive. It destroys the concept of 'cavalry, expansion and hunting.

I only played Rus, now I don’t want to play the game anymore. It’s not the same civilization and it doesn’t make sense for the ‘hunting cabin’ to produce the scout, it became a lame civilization. It’s was not easy to play, but it was good and fierce! Now they managed to make Rus useless, taking away all the originality of the civilization.

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Firstly you don’t need to collect gold in the first age as sheep now give you gold so you’ll have enough to age up just from gathering sheep.

Secondly I think this is a great change, rus were the most annoying civ in the game because they forced every other civ to make a scout and be 1 vill down from the start of the game which was crazy. Now they still get bounty from collecting food from deer/boar/sheep and it is now easier to reach tier 3 of bounty. So still a focus on hunting but now it is better and encourages fighting over deer and boar to deny the bounty rather than the silly game of killing all the deer for no reason.


I feel your disappointment, I played a lot with the Russians and it was one of my top Civs. But I don’t think the change was bad. Let’s try it!

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Kremlin grelimin used offensively? Bad bad mech. So not only does the krelimin provide an early impervious stronghold but they got to routinely send cheap units across the map for essentially free harassment. Great change on the gremlin nerf.

Bounty of old was very very one sided. And a HUGE power spike so early in the game. Let this sink in, without gathering any mining you collected over 300g in less than 3mins into the game??? That’s 2 75f scouts and 1 100w cabin for 300w and counting. This system needed rework.

Currently system takes. Bit longer to get going but you can still hit the same age ups minus the free wheelbarrow. Also this system has a higher infinite return as long as you have meat to gather.


I only bought the game for the Rus Civilization, I have 541 experience points playing multiplayer and 2700 hours equivalent to 112 days playing this game.

OriginalKnot717 no one needs to make a second scout to play against Rus. In a strategy game there is not just one way to fight, this issue is optional and with just one scout it is possible to hunt some deer after exploring the map and catching the sheep, if the Rus player loses 1 group of hunting deer this will be missed, there is no need for two scouts this is a very personal question of each person’s play style.

Shneider177 u mean Kremlin right? The game could limit the movements of Kremlin soldiers within the perimeter of the urban center.

I play 8-player multiplayer with 4 scouts and hunting almost all the game’s game, even so that initial gold is not converted into troops the way you think, France and its variant get more cavalry and better upgrades in the first minutes of the game.

Even if Rus gets passive gold in the second era it doesn’t change the fact that the dynamics and essence of the game has changed, it’s no longer CAVALRY, EXPANSION AND HUNTING.

Solo Ranked – Civilizations aoe4world

Ayyubids 53.7%
Jeanne d’Arc 52.2%
Order of the Dragon 51.9%
Zhu Xi’s Legacy 51.1%
Japanese 50.9%
Byzantines 50.7%
Delhi Sultanate 50.6%
French 49.8%
Holy Roman Empire 49.5%
Abbasid Dynasty 49.4%
English 49.3%
Ottomans 49.3%
Malians 48.5%
Rus 48.3%
Chinese 47.2%

I think it makes no sense to continue nerfing a civilization that is ranked so low in multiplayer. They are probably people who are infected with the propaganda that is out there.

It’s a civilization that has undergone many nerfs. This is yet another one, it was announced cynically as an update designed for the civilization’s players, but in fact it was made to make the lives of those who are fighting against Rus easier, what’s the logic behind this? They’re disconfiguring the Rus civilization and making it more similar to another Western European civilization that are clones of each other, they’re easy to play and don’t need to have much brains, but apparently the fact that Rus forces them to at least explore the map better made this patch here.

What propaganda is out there?

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Unfotunately it is absolutely necessary for all civs to make a second scout when against rus because rus themselves make a second scout, the problem is rus get it from a cabin while every other civ is 1 vill behind from training the scout. If rus did not make a second scout then it would not be necessary but they do every game and sometimes they even made a 3rd scout.

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I played a multiplayer game and it was quite enjoyable. We’ll see over time if people will like it or not, for now I don’t know.

Making a second scout is optional. Just because a YouTube channel says ‘make a second scout’ doesn’t mean it’s a rule. It depends on the strategy. I know Rus, there’s no need to make a second scout. Having several scouts means that the person will take a long time to advance in Era, even with 500 gold accumulated from hunting this is not converted into a strong military, you have to play very carefully as Rus is not considered a strong civilization and in the statistics it is not positive in KD either.

i encourage you to think of what is the difference between hunting and killing.

New bounty system is way better, and much closer to hunting thematically.

How can you get bounty if you dont even bring back the carcass?

Rus is actually good now with changes but i want to compare it to english.English get %30 gathere rate bonus and 1 gold every 5 second from farms.Rus gets %15 gather and 1 gold for every 10 meat.So food gather rate is not right its too much for english.Second when meat is finished whats going to happen.

Rus High Trade House landmark is useless iguess when i can gather relics early with other landmark why should i build this one?
Maybe High Trade House can make other hunting cabins to create deer or maybe it can open a 4th tier bounty that can farm food,all food can give gold for every 10 food.

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Rus get 15% faster food gathering and 10% of hunted meat as gold as you said but they also get +20% wood dropped off and a significant gold trickle from hunting cabins, high trade house itself can be worth several relics and is safe in base, plus you can still have relics in addition to high trade house. The deer spawned is worth another 35g/min.

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Yes they get %20 more wood i forgot that.You cant get the relics with High Trade House because monks of rus is too expensive.Its not giving enough things.

Yes you can. you have gold from hunting and gold from hunting cabin trickle. Keep a few vills mining and you can easily afford a couple of monks as soon as you age up.

No you cant you need to wait.When i age up with other landmark i can immediately train monk.And also you need to build monastery with High Trade House.

As soon as you hit castle just build a monastery with 10 vills, most other civs won’t be ageing up with a monastery type building anyway so they will be delayed just the same. Even if they age up with a building that produces monks you can still get the relics first because warrior monks move much faster.

You dont know anything first play rus a little bit than you can maybe talk.

It looks like I know more than you do, I’m also conq 3 with like 500 hours played so I’d assume I’ve played rus more than you have.

Too bad you still dont know anything.

Rus High Trade House landmark is useless iguess when i can gather relics early with other landmark why should i build this one?
Maybe High Trade House can make other hunting cabins to create deer or maybe it can open a 4th tier bounty that can farm food,all food can give gold for every 10 food.

It isn’t useless because you won’t always be able to get relics as you’ll be against a civ that reaches castle before you do or you might not have map control to grab relics. HRE for example can reach castle age with monks already on top of the relics so if you did a fast castle instead of making knights you will lose 4 or 5 relics.
If mongol make mangudai in feudal how do you plan to FC and grab the relics safely?

For these circumstances amongst others the high trade house is good, it is a safe source of passive coin, providing 4x as much as a normal hunting cabin and provides deer which 5 villagers can gather from and slowly improve your bounty to tier 3. High trade house has actually been buffed because now you get gold from the harvesting the free deer it spawns every 60 seconds as well.