I have a ASUS PC speciaficaly for gaming !! My internet is FAST !!! I can Play all the games possible and Available out there but AGE OF EMPIRE II
I already have emailled customer service and did all the requests they made !! Still lags and freezes !!
The game works fine for me.
until it doesnt !!!
Play any 2x2x2x2 or 4x4 or even 3x3 online with 300 pop and wait for 30 min !!
I bet if not you, some of the players will start to lag and ruin the game !!!
I already emailed the customer service and they always send those canned email backs to set the game, but even with the worst low graph setting the game laggs online !!!
This is my PC - System Model: TUF Gaming FX505DY_
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3550H with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx (8 CPUs), ~2.1GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
2 graph card:
Card name: AMD Radeon™ Vega 8 Graphics
Card name: Radeon RX 560X
You are telling us that a midrange mobile GPU from 8 years ago is highend?
Well that doesn’t really matter because AoE2 is a 2D game, not many polygons to render.
The CPU is the more limiting factor. Your CPU is a midrange mobile chip for like 7 years ago.
Last time I had issues with it was 2021 when the Lords of the West DLC came out.
Since then, no performance issues for me. And my PC’s components are already old with an i7 3770K and GTX 1080.
Your CPU is a midrange mobile chip for like 7 years ago. TRUE !!! and this game is a 25 years old game with limited improvement !!!
so you telling me that every 3D game that I play here online WORKS fine … but this game I need a NASA/ QUANTUM/ AI GPU to play online ???
@FloosWorld so what did you do to run this game ?? what is the set ups in ypur PC ??? I tried everything possible and doesnt work !!! and I went to the Steam community and a lot of gamer complaining about these lag issues .
I know develpers and Microsoft doenst care because they make money selling new civs with boost powers withouit fixing bugs !!
Nothing. The game fixed itself with an update.
As said, I have an i7 3770K and a GTX 1080 with 16 GB RAM.
Oh devs do care but every issue is kinda individual. While I couldn’t play when the first DLC came out, others could.
The sole new paid civ that was “OP” btw was Gurjaras.
Also, may I ask you to not overuse punctuaction marks?
I mean, there are endless configurations for PC systems out there so there is sadly not the solution that fixes all problems.
We are not trying to make fun in any way in case you think that.
I second @Skadidesu’s assumption btw that the CPU is a limiting factor. My CPU has 8 cores with 3.5 GHZ that definitely perform better than the CPU of your PC. There’s also a reason why I stick to ranked 1v1s and 2v2s as those are less demanding. I recommend doing the same.
Have you btw tried doing the ranked benchmark test that comes with the game? It puts your PC under a stress situation with a heavy gameplay scene, so you kinda get an idea of how strong your PC is.
The AMD Ryzen 5 3550H is significantly more powerful than the minimum requirements (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64x2 5600+). Its integrated Radeon Vega Mobile Graphics also performs well for a game like Age of Empires II: DE, which isn’t highly demanding on GPUs.
My stress test score is always 950 - 1000 !!
What is the point of having lobbies for gamers with 2x2 + with 250+ population if you cant play them ??
STOP THE EXCUSE !!This game has numeros bugs !! Not a minimum support needed from the company or developers or community ! Lot os complains for the same reasons … High ping, lagging, disconnections during matches. Inability to join multiplayer matches or syncing issues !!! every monthly update the game gets worst ! same complains
I just came back so if gamers have the same issue and they google it. They will all see that these issues have no fix or support.
Maybe it will help you figure things out–my system is ancient (11 y.o.!) i5 4670K cpu, RX 480 Gpu, 8gb system ram. I get a stress test score of 1130 @1080p. Your computer’s specs are better than mine, you should be getting a higher score than 950-1000.
Don’t know if it’s your case, but take a look at this link about AMD gpus and AoE2
What is the best running higher end components for a system right now? That gives above 1000 stress test, but after I purchase I do not like to hear “it happens not the system its the stuff you play in aoe2” Even I purchase a system just for aoe2 will this lag? Just to be clear and kindly asking I want to just know the information.
AoE is CPU heavy, not GPU.
Also, please stop overusing exlamation marks and capslock.
ohhh man !! you just opened a can of worm with this AMD and AOE from 2020 !!! no fix for it !
if you go to r/aoe2 you will see the amount of complaing for lagging with no fix to them !!
The AMD Ryzen 5 3550H is a modern processor and is more than capable of handling Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. While the base clock of 2.1 GHz is below the 2.4 GHz requirement, the turbo boost of 3.7 GHz makes up for it, especially since the game uses multiple threads effectively, and CPU has 8 threads available !!!
It doesnt matter what system or laptop or internet connection you have !!! you will not going to be able to play more than 2x2 and 200+ population with your friends online !! because if you dont lag during the game someone else will and ruin the game !!
This is a famous problem with this game ! if you dont believe me go to steam forum, reddit or even in this forum ! better just google aoe2 DE laggin and see for yourself !
The beauty of all is that gamers already tried everything possible and there is no fix ! if by some miracle it gets fix the devs will release a new “patch” that will ruin everything all over again!!
I can vouch for this sometimes happening for me, too. I don’t play MP a lot, but in my experience over the years, it seems like about maybe 15%-20% of the matches start getting lag at some point, in 2 Human vs. 2 AI private games… which I never experience in SP matches. And we have pretty good hardware and internet speeds, imo
In MP matches, I feel a trigger can sometimes either be me saving our mid-match progress, or saving a bookmark, or pausing. Shortly after doing that 1, 2, or 3 times at varying points in the match is when the game gets progressively more laggy for us when the issue occurs… and sometimes the game eventually drops one or both of us. It’s like the game has a tough time fully re-syncing the players or something after a minor break or hiccup in the action.
I wonder if in your games, sandman5080, if someone is doing one of those things (known to you, or unbeknownst) and the framerate starts getting choppy and out-of-sync starts forming
And, yep, I stopped playing 400 population and doing big maps in our matches because I wondered if that might be a problem, too, since the AI likes to just craaaaank out the units non-stop when it gets on a roll, in addition to all our trade carts and military
My benchmark today is 1265.8. It used to be in the 1286.2 - 1297.6 range, so I don’t know why it’s slower nowadays. I didn’t change my hardware. Oh, I am on Win11 now, I used to be Win10. Maybe that’s part of it. EDIT: Ooh, and a 1440p monitor now instead of 1080p
Here was an interesting thread about the Ranked Benchmark Tests
The minimal requirements are “minimal” that means the core content of the game is playable not that every scenario will perform well.
That is what recommended specs should be for. They are also to low in my opinion though.
A valid criticism would be that the recommended specs are misleading and should be changed.
You can never claim to have a high end computer if
- It’s over 5 years old
- It’s a laptop
Also high end in a literal way means that it uses some of the most expensive consumer parts of the manufacturer.
For AMD the R7 and R9 are the high end consumer CPUs while R5 is midrange and R3 is low end.
Most of the game should run well on your hardware. Like all the single player campaings and 1v1 multiplayer.
With increasing player number and unit numbers the demand for the hardware rises a lot. Also having other humans play the game with you adds more and more problems.
It’s unlikely that everyone has a equal or better computer then you in a 8 player match. And some people might have a lot of applications running in the background.
Ghz is a pointless number. Every new CPU generation gives you more performance for the same amount of GHz.
Nah your computer is better.
You have desktop hardware not mobile hardware.
GHz unfortunately mean almost nothing nowadays.
Your CPU is on the AMD Zen+ architecture. Now we are on Zen 5. Every generation added a little bit of extra performance per GHz (IPC = instructions per clock).
But the same is true for Intel. The fist i5 had a lot less performance for the same GHz as the latest i5 so recommending “2.4 Ghz i5 or greater or AMD equivalent” is pretty pointless tbh.
No we complain but we complain in a civil way.
Lout shouting will just be ignored. We are adults here talking with other adults.
We are not in kindergarten anymore.
Writing in capslock automatically makes your post look immature.
I had a RX 580 prior to that and never faced any issues either (apart from the performance-related ones around the time of the LotW release as mentioned above).
Well yes but it is on the lower end.
Oh, I’m aware. The issue is desktop vs mobile hardware.
By the way…

My stress test score is always 950 - 1000
This alone should tell you that your system is too weak for custom lobbies with 250+ population.
The threshold to play ranked Team Games, whose population limit is 200, is 1000 on the benchmark score. Below that value, the game only allows you to play ranked 1v1. If you are below 900, you can’t play ranked at all.
No amount of excessive CAPSLOCK and exlamation mark (!!) use will change that.