I personally think that AoEIV has better graphics than Iron Harvest, but hey it’s all subjective.
How many people play Iron Harvest?
At least give examples of games that are a success close to AoE2 or SC.
Look at the first screenshot.
You see a medieval town.
Now guess how many people would live in that town?
Probably more than 200.
But in Age of Empires 4 you will only have around 100 villagers plus up to 100 soldiers.
Having only so little people in such big towns just looks stupid.
The only way to make that look more reasonable and make units even visible is making them bigger.
Age of Empires 1 and 3 have wrong scaled buildings too.
Age of Empires 2 and 3 have wrongly proportioned buildings, nearly cartoonish in some cases. Just compare an Age of Empires 4 house with the other houses in the series.
I personally even thing the units should be bigger but they should allow us to zoom out more.
This is a game that has to be played not a trailer that just has to look good.
Just for you to see how graphics do not make a game good or not. It’s basically gameplay, I just gave an example of a game from last year that has better graphics than AoE4, because the topic here is about the look, not about success, or community size.
If you wish to find that much detail then you are playing the wrong game, check out games like City Skyline if you want everything to be more believable.
AoE has never been very realistic when it comes to the houses, unit scales and such and therefor doesn’t have to change now to be perfect balance.
Did I say you did?
Only AoE game that has manned siege is AoE3.
Proportions could be bigger I agree but it isn’t that big of an issue imo
It will hinder it’s success if they don’t make a graphics DLC. This game will not last as long as previous installments if people don’t like the atmosphere
The majority of players do care about gameplay at least 3x as much as they do about graphics but even then, graphics are important for games to last long.
I dont si by a 100% accurate game. But when some proportions hurt the eyes there is a problem. In AoE 4 this happens with many buildings. And the comunity has said that.
About this problem don’t you think it will mess up the gameplay? Remember the small trees mod from age of empires 2, many people use it to make the game better. Are these size decisions solutions to get a better view of the units in the field?
I believe devs do “wrong things” on purpose to improve the gameplay experience
Only peaple with no statistic notion used this kind of POLL lol. 300 peaple responding to a disagreement, its nothing sorry.
Building size is fine (i am okey with +20% size but that wont change the story of the game), others grahics things are a way more questionnable (NDA, can’t talk about it)
This kind of poll are all that we have to see the comunity opinión. And i sold you 3. The problem are not those 300 guys. That was a representative number.
Different people have different priorities and different taste.
I don’t think your opinion reflects the majority.
I think it they would have designed the game the way you want more people would dislike it because it would be harder to play.
Personally I will be grateful if the devs decide to focus on more important things like balance or gameplay and I kinda like the new “cartoonish” style. Though I support the idea that some builidings could be larger, not enough to make such a fuss about it. I know many people think like me, it’s just that we are not as loud as players obsessed with having the same “realistic” graphs from AoE2 and other RTS.
I am not interested in your opinión. If you could offer some prooves, polls etc… I would see that.
I’ve found that after the beta testing there are a lot more people who like the graphic.
I made a poll to the [Poll] Graphic update they made between the Fan Preview and the E3 trailer.
I didn’t directly ask about scale but in most points the majority people likes the game.
And I feel like they even improved some aspects like water since then.
But the most important poll is the one that neither you nor I can see the results of, the one they made at the end of the closed beta.
The graphics are not bad, they are beautiful. But they lack details like previous games. The disproportions are too glaring and that makes it look “cartoonish.” The game is not refined enough to be from 2021.
And many people that no. This is the problem, much people id very disappointment and much people that id Happy. But firts group wont buy the Game and for this AoE4 going to lose many playera.
Except that if you look at youtube, these forums, reddit, steam, all of those add up to show, people don’t like these things
I personally like them but am hoping for a graphics DLC for those who wish for refined graphics
Agree, they just need more detail on the units.