This game won't be a hit

I’m not talking about secret builds. I’m talking about the fact that developers have time to fix minor bugs indicated by beta testers, no more.

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I really understand that people want better animations and unit models. But sometimes it doesn’t work like you think. Warcraft 3 Reforged is the greatest example of this. That game has great unit models when you see them as individual units, but when you get into the gameplay it’s a big mess and it’s very poor in optimization.

People still use the classic Warcraft 3 graphics to play it, and Reforged has become one of Blizzard’s biggest failures.


Nobody is going to be happier than me if on release we discover that the release build looks much better than what we’ve seen so far. I don’t speak for anyone else but I believe most people who complain about the visuals are doing it because they genuinely hope they improve and not because they have anything against the game.

That’s not the biggest issue we have with the game but we can’t really discuss any other issue due to NDA or genuinely not knowing. There is still a lot about the game we don’t know.


people want options to select from.
Option to play on low (most competitive players either way select it).
Or get awesome picture. Now the picture are at most “okay”.

Because people weren’t sitting at home with nothing better to do :stuck_out_tongue: I’m fairly certain that a lot of incredibly nitpicky stuff going down is due to people sitting at home way too much time to kill due to Corona

I remember someone posted some super cringe video about how they don’t like the Trebuchet on youtube

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These polls literally only attract people who agree with the poll.

I often see these polls and can’t be arsed voting - oh wow yet another person who is making the same tired arguments and wants people manning their siege. Another person who thinks the graphics are bad because they have no idea how graphics work. Another person who thinks they speak for everyone, and has their own idea of what Aoe4 should of been in their own head because they play COH or Anno or insert obscure RTS here.


Lest see if devs respond to feedback of 50 people on forums or 12k people that don’t like graphics just to mention an example… These forums by no means show or can give a clue if game is going to be a hit, one the major mistakes of dow3 devs was to think that everything was ok with dow3 just because of dow3 forums people were praising the game… How wrong they were… t
99% of players won’t even know about this site… Many will think of giving the game a chance just by looking at its presentation.

You know, I notice an unpleasant tendency. One has only to try to express an opinion that does not coincide with the tastes of other people, for example, that maybe you like the fact that siege engines do not have operators, and you will immediately be devoured. Worst of all, they try to get rid of an alternative opinion right there, but it has a right to exist, because this is your opinion and your taste.

Certain branches with a mood already set by the author attract people with one point of view, and it is simply impossible to express some kind of counter-opinion.

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Welcome to the internet.


Absolutely, in fact, many polls are biased in the manner of writing the options too. To be fair, we are trying to get a diverse set of people to agree on some subjective topics :wink: I can’t say I had much higher expectations for what I already see on the forums haha.


Then you gave the minimum requirements. The game on lowest graphics settings does not look better than AoE4

Never said you did but you gave SP3 minimum specs, which would lead people to believe that the game would look like that on the lowest specs

No, it actually doesn’t but that is just my opinion, just like the above quote is yours.

Except you can’t run SP3 with those great looking visuals on minimum requirements, here you are again trying to deceive people.

I mean, if you take into account how amazing the marketing team has done, what makes you think that they showed us the best graphics?

You think this level of marketing requires a meticulous PR department? Also, we have just barely gotten to the Beta build, we might have only seen things from Alpha.

Also, lets take a look at something.

Maybe SF3 should’ve spent less time on making such a wide variety of graphical options and more on gameplay, since apparently people don’t like it very much. The graphics didn’t seem to carry it, did they?


I think this is a point that too many people overlook. RTS players usually don’t care that much about graphics as players of an RPG or FPS might.


I think we should just agree to disagree since this discussion is going nowhere (not u Reanu)

I never said or even hinted it did. I am seriously not sure if you are just pretending not to understand.

We agree that when people critisize AoE4’s visual quality, we are not talking about the lowest settings, right? We are talking about marketing materials, which will always be the best the engine is capable of, and probably better than most of us will be capable of achieving on our machines.

The response to that is always “the game doesn’t look so good because it needs to run on low end machines”. The key word being “run” because even you won’t pretend that AoE4 isn’t going to be a slide show even on the lowest settings on an undedicated GPU (AoE4’s minimum requirements) at 180 units, let alone 1800 units which again you (plural, not specifically you) always refer to as an excuse for the visuals.

All I am saying is that it’s nonsense because graphical settings are a thing on PC games. You can have games that look incredible like spellforce and through the magic of graphical settings they can run on low end machines. I gave the specs to show it can run on low end machines and I showed the video to prove that having low minimum hardware requirements doesn’t mean the game can’t look incredible on high settings.

So what you are accusing me of lying about is literally the opposite of what I said.

AoE4 could both look great on high and machines and bad only end machines. Instead it looks bad on low end machines and meh on high end machines.

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You are in beta?

Sure seemed like that was what you were saying. At the very least you laid it out in a confusing way

As I said, we should just agree to disagree, this is going nowhere

Here is your people’s problem, you assume just because they invested a lot in graphics it means they didn’t invest in gameplay. I bet you never played it. You also assume just because Relic didn’t invest in AOE4’s graphics it means they invested more than Spellforce in gameplay? Why? Practically any rts other than sc2 that was released in the past 10 years has less players than aoe2. Most of them have great gameplay it’s just a niche genre.

AoE4 without the AoE name would be dead on arrival. Let’s compare numbers in a year.

I have, pretty underwelming imo. I preferred Ancestors Legacy and even that wasn’t the greatest. Iron Harvest was an excellent game imo though.

Apparently there is only like 100-200 true RTS players anymore since that is what most of those games have.

Just because it’s an Age game deserves my time and my money.

But I’m a fan. I keep thinking about the people who haven’t played the games in the series, if they’re going to be able to stay in this game for a long time.

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You are still going to pretend we can’t judge visuals through marketing materials 2 months before release? Even though 9 times out of 10 marketing materials look better than the final product?

That’s fair, not every game is for everybody, I like Spellforce more than Ancestors Legacy, base building was lacking. Didn’t like Iron Harvest. Felt like a cheap CoH. I loved Grey Goo recently. The point is games you liked and games I liked are probably all dead now compared to aoe2 and not because the gameplay is bad, necessarily. That’s just the nature of the genre, unfortunately.