I have long wanted to write this topic, but I put it off because creating it and explaining everything is a lot of work. Finally I’m ready to share it. I have already mentioned the most obvious example, in which two Armenian kings were confused. Their names in the Russian version are indeed similar, but this does not mean that it was impossible to spend 2 minutes checking on Wikipedia.
In fact, the list of mistakes in Russian localization is simply monstrous. It is worth noting that this does not apply to all campaigns and some are translated absolutely normally. But some contain mistakes that a 6th grade pupil would not make.
I will give many examples. Since most of you do not know Russian, I will give a reverse translation and “translate mistakes” as much as possible.
In Russian there are 2 words for “not”: ne and ni. Here is situation where both must be used and 1 was wrong.
(El Cid)
In Ru the correct word for “Ottoman” is “Osman”.
There are cases in Russian language. Word endings play something like the role of prepositions. The wrong case was used: “poli” when needed “pole”. 5-6th grade of school, srsly.
In Ru verbs have gender forms. Phrase “I must” looks like “I musta” if a woman speaks. Here we see a woman but ofc she speaks of herself like a man. This mistake is made because the translator didn’t even play or watch the game which he translates.
(Le Loi)
In English, the word “venturer” has several meanings, united under one concept. But in Russian, a merchant, a traveler and a swindler are very different words. And the worst one was chosen.
(Devapala 3)
“vultures run to the corpse”
And in the picture we see exactly what these running vultures look like.
Here I have given about half of the examples that I have saved. This post is quick to read, but it took me a long time to create it; I had to work with screenshots, check which campaigns it was in, upload it, sign it. Next time I will continue specifically on Rome dlc.