warlords seems to sell well enough for FF to already have confirmed there WILL be a successor.
I am looking forward to the anser @JonOli12
three kingdoms also was free on launch week, wasnt it? does best selling count then?
1:08 of new trailer phrase on rus lang (old rus) - “Смерть ворогам” - “Smert’ vorogam” - “Death to the enemies”
The Burgundians, which were originally part of teh HRE, were a 3rd party in the 100 Years War, and so were several states in Northern Italy, which were also part of the HRE.
Yes, because CA released SALES data, that only accounted for bought products, and 3K was indeed the highest grossing TW game ever. It is just that the playerbase evaporated, and no one was interested in the DLCs.
It did not. They considered it a failure, which they hope to remedy with a second installment of the series.
However, the community is only interested in Crusader 3.
So attackers there are Russians? Walls seems Asian.
I think yes, attackers are russian
I do not think the developers will do it, but what would be really cool for Rus, is if they had Shock Infantry with Axe and Shield, that had a Charge attack like Lance Cavalry, but weaker.
Ok, now I need to take a few steps back.
- ok, thanks for that info. Which I technically knew, but yes, that makes seknse. Although I think urgundians in the campaign would be protraied by french troops I think
- thats interesting, I was not sure there.
- where did you get the information they considered the game a failure?
They said they would only create a second one if this one generates enough profit. They later confirmed they WILL work on a neew title, so they therefore say that the game generated enough profit.
Also they were wuiote positively talking about sales in their videos.
Do you have a source saying otherwise?
steam says 50-100k players. Which may be considered few on some cases, but FF went indie and they have a team of 25 or so ppl, so 50k times 40€ even if divided by 25 still is a decent sum. Plus I think some kickstarter money etc.
But If you have a source, that would be nice
It seems we will get Strelci unit. Probably with giant axe and bow (I guess since its too soon for muskets and giving muskets only to Russians while rest gets basic hand cannons is ridiculous)
Everybody loves the Strelci.
Dual weapon units I do not like, in these games, though. It messes with the counter system.
Not Medieval, though.
perhaps Siege of Kazan - Wikipedia ?
There is precedence in AO 4 for special units to mess with it. Longbows got anti-cavalry stakes for example.
They are not medieval but they started to be used in 1550s which is right at the end of timeframe set for rest of revealed civs. But they will get bow probably if I had to guess which kind of breaks the cool factor of using axe as stand.
But the stakes are a deployable, not a weapon switch, as far as I could make it out.
That is very different than switching weapons, to counter one of your own counters, for example.
mby they would use axes when moving but when deployed as stands they would shoot.
I agree, Rus will be.
Even during the E3 trailer, I heard the soldiers shouting in a Russian voice “Смерть врагам” (Death to the enemies).
Mark my words, the final 2 civs will be Rus and HRE, so they somewaht draw a circle in the map.
Starting with Mongols, moving then to China, then Delhi, then the Abbasids, then France, then England, then the HRE, and finally the Rus, which connects back to the Mongols.
to be fair muskets could be balanced by being more imprecise