UI icons = Traffic Signs?

This wasn’t made clear in the slightest. This was compounded by accusing me of relying on a fallacy, and then talking about how people use fallacies generally.

Not that you have, at any point, specified what fallacy. Seems to be an application of the fallacy fallacy, but hopefully you can clear that up for me.

With regards to not being gentle, and bearing in mind your lack of clarity, this is on you.

Sure there are. You’re assuming your expertise automatically trumps that of others’. I’m very careful, generally, to make no appeals to authority (which again, would be a fallacy, and people love calling those out - not you specifically - just across the Internet in general), but you’re here positing your opinion as a direct outcome of your experience. Which would be fair, except you then generalise a bunch of other posters (which may or may not include me) as “lacking the graphical knowhow”.

Opinion isn’t knowhow. There are many ways to crack a nut open. If you want an actual discussion, past the usual screen of hostility that we repeatedly keep on having to deal with (you and me), we can have it here, or we can have it in a DM.

You have opinions on the icons, and opinions on how to make them better. But I have seen no qualitative analysis of the existing icons. You’ve just brought them up in another thread. Again, that isn’t a demonstration of expertise. It’s opinion. Saying something is “anti-AoE” isn’t a UI or UX argument. Not by itself, anyhow. Not without further explanation.

Age IV’s icons are intentionally consistent with the gold motif that runs through the entirely of the in-and-out-of-game UI in the game. This ties little things like player banners together with the out-of-game UI and other things besides. I have in the past said it’d be nice to have more colour backgrounds, instead of the three or so we currently have, but in terms of the stylistic approach, I simply think people just don’t want to interrogate it with any level of nuance. They’ve decided they don’t like it, and that’s it.

And that’s fine. Opinion is fine. Opinion is valid. People hating the current UI and the icons is an entirely understandable opinion to hold.

But you’re talking here about expertise, so I want to reach out in good faith and have that discussion. Because, as it goes, I have expertise too. I’m not here to knock yours. I’m here to understand it, and put fowards what I think is a good case for the icons in IV, and that case extend to the UI in general (even if there are a lot of improvements that can still be made, especially to the UX).

I’m not here to blindly fanboy the game, nomatter what some think. I like the game, and this comes from liking a bunch of the choices the devs have made. That doesn’t mean I think it’s perfect, or that it can’t be made better. I want this game to be better (and I believe you do too), and I want faster patches and timelier communication. Those last two bits are probably my “most important” wants right now.

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