Unable to use AOE Insider Portrait in AOE4?

I also do not have this unlocked. I purchased this game from the MIcrosoft Store directly even :frowning:

Hmmmmm guess that means we have to wait a bit then :grinning:

After i signed up to be an insider, why are the banners/sigils/icons in the game not showing up that you get for becoming an insider?

They haven’t been unlocked for anybody as far as I know. So I guess we will just have to wait

Same. Wait for the Portrait.

Linking now works after latest patch. But, insider rewards still doesnt unlocks :frowning:

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I have the same problem

Linking now works after latest patch. But, insider rewards still doesnt unlocks

Same issue. Still doesn’t unlock insider rewards

Somehow I did not get the Insider badge even thought i participated in the Beta on steam.

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So this is still broken in the game. I was able to connect my accounts, but the insider items are not there. Kinda sucks.

I think they’re aware of it.

Hi @Youngm4n, Instructions for how to unlock insider rewards in Age of Empires IV will be sent via email soon. https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409294438292-Insider-Rewards


Thanks for monitoring this, @anon63664082 ! Hoping I’m on the email list as well (Insider, Beta tester, but everything is still locked).

Again, thanks for all you’re doing on these numerous threads.

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I am a Steam player. After the new patch I am now able to finally link my Xbox Account in game.

However, despite being an Age Insider member who participated in the Cardinal beta test and technical stress test, I am not able to access the Insider rewards such as the unique portrait and town center landmark. Both of these still show up as locked when I try to select them.


Same here. Twenty characters.

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Same problem here, really hoped for fix this time :frowning:

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Linking now works after latest patch. But, insider rewards still doesnt unlocks

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Same here. Twenty characters.

Same here. Insider, Beta Tester, but the profile icon / banner / monument choices are still locked for me