I think we can call it +1/+2 armor patch.
Burmese BE armor reduced to +1PA long ago as they could take 320 arrow shots which was insane. Now they got back where it was!
Sicilians knights with their 50% bonus damage reduction was the only knight that could beat camel (Lithuanians with 2 relic excluded). They could kill monk with “First Crusade” research and now another +1/+2 armor. And devs still consider them an Infantry Civilization? Agreed with extra stone though. In fact I proposed +50 stone at the start couple of months ago. +100 maybe too strong as they can build a donjon and a TC with the starting stone.
Agreed with Lithuanians. Leitis cost and stats should be adjusted a bit. 70f/50g → 65f/60g. PA 1->2.
Finally a Chinese nerf. Very welcomed.
Cumans buff. Maybe a bit strong considering their Feudal TC. Need to see. I would propose -50w for all military building.
Finally free Town Patrol for Byzantines. Thanks a lot devs.
Lastly I think Bohemians is getting both free gold mining and gold shaft mining upgrade for free. Malians will be a nerfed in early game and buffed in late game. I’m not sure about that.
And a buff for HC and ESL at last. Much appreciated.
Leitis with the same output attack than a paladin in castle age with relics
Meaning that their winged hussar will be a just a magyar hussar with less hp, but same 9 attack.
But the byzantine change its amazing, all those guys should be very happy now, cause that will change byzantines in both 1x1 and tg, they soon will exchange indians on team games and mayans on vs, cause you know that tech is so powerful, than it gets skipped in most games
Lucky enough to see the changes. I think Lith food reduction should be kept. Blast furnace? they can keep it. Leitis should be unchanged. I’ll love CUMANS tho. They’ll be super mobile (even more nowO