UpdateVisual not woriking

May be a fast fix but I have no idea.
Im creating a new Upgrade tech for the Chinaco. All works good but the UpdateVisual is not. At first It actualy worked with the Dragoon (I think i had it inside DEAge0Mexicans, not sure if its that.), but now is not woriking with the dragoon nor the charro.

Here is the tech

  <tech name="MXPresidentialCharros" type="Normal">
	<cost resourcetype="Wood">1500.0000</cost>
	<cost resourcetype="Gold">1500.0000</cost>
	  <techstatus status="Active">DEImperialStableEnable</techstatus>
	  <techstatus status="Active">MXFederalCharros</techstatus>
	  <effect type="Data" amount="1.50" subtype="Damage" allactions="1" relativity="BasePercent">
		<target type="ProtoUnit">deChinaco</target>
	  <effect type="SetName" proto="deChinaco" culture="none" newname="230084">
	  <effect type="Data" amount="1.50" subtype="Hitpoints" relativity="BasePercent">
		<target type="ProtoUnit">deChinaco</target>
	  <effect type="Data" amount="0.00" subtype="UpdateVisual" unittype="deChinaco" relativity="Absolute">
		<target type="Player">

Any ideas why the UpdateVisual is not working? Also, Im planing on creating new visuals for this upgrades/units. How do I code it?

You have set update visual to 0.00
You basically told the game to NOT update it xD

Set it to 1.00 and it works :slight_smile:

Is not that, already try it. Also the original tech is also set to 0. Any more ideas? :thinking:

Today I reinstall my polish civ mod. And, I found a similar bug. The hat of old musketeers didn’t update.

Very strange, it seemed to me that it worked before. But it may be related to something else, I haven’t taken the time to investigate properly.

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Nice mod. But I found a simpler solution. Instead of making a new upgrade I used the “CopyTechIcon” or the “CopyUnitPortraitAndIcon”. Depending on the need

	<effect type="Data" amount="0.00" subtype="CopyTechIcon" tech="MXPresidentialEscolta" relativity="Absolute">
			<target type="Tech">ImperialDragoon</target>

also just setted the name with the
<effectmergeMode=‘add’ type =‘SetName’ tech =‘ImperialDragoon’ culture =‘none’ newName =‘220079’/> line

and apply it to my unit. This way it works. No idea what it was but it is done now. Hope you can solve your issue.

where can I try your Polish mod?

With a friend, we are currently working on an update. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d also like to mention Ropi336, who created the civilisations of Hungary, Romania and Poland-Lithuania. He also did a good job and I drew inspiration from him. He deserves more credit for his work than I do. :+1:

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I’m working on a MĂ©xico/USA and Canada visuales mod. New icons, displays, names, skind, and if posible buildings and stuff
 if You need any help with any of these, contact me.

I’m almost done with mexico