May be a fast fix but I have no idea.
Im creating a new Upgrade tech for the Chinaco. All works good but the UpdateVisual is not. At first It actualy worked with the Dragoon (I think i had it inside DEAge0Mexicans, not sure if its that.), but now is not woriking with the dragoon nor the charro.
Here is the tech
<tech name="MXPresidentialCharros" type="Normal">
<cost resourcetype="Wood">1500.0000</cost>
<cost resourcetype="Gold">1500.0000</cost>
<techstatus status="Active">DEImperialStableEnable</techstatus>
<techstatus status="Active">MXFederalCharros</techstatus>
<effect type="Data" amount="1.50" subtype="Damage" allactions="1" relativity="BasePercent">
<target type="ProtoUnit">deChinaco</target>
<effect type="SetName" proto="deChinaco" culture="none" newname="230084">
<effect type="Data" amount="1.50" subtype="Hitpoints" relativity="BasePercent">
<target type="ProtoUnit">deChinaco</target>
<effect type="Data" amount="0.00" subtype="UpdateVisual" unittype="deChinaco" relativity="Absolute">
<target type="Player">
Any ideas why the UpdateVisual is not working? Also, Im planing on creating new visuals for this upgrades/units. How do I code it?