this is a treaty. two players quit very early so it was 2v2. USA player was able to keep only 5 vills and the rest are all military. Only need to keep shipping new york zouave, there are more and more free zouave shipped. No need for eco at all.
If you look at the post stats, USA player collected the least resources (aside from two guys who quit very early), and shipped a total of 816 zouaves worth 261k coin. pop is way over 200 most of the time and sometimes over 350 during the whole game. When the game ends the card is at 42 zouve per shipment costing only 1500 coin.
I did a post about this few months ago, devs just nerfed zouaves pop cost; a useless nerf if the card keeps increasing infinetely.
I say it again NERF INF ZOUAVES
No es necerario nerfear más a los zuavos ya que en general no son buenos mercenarios… pero si hay que nerfear esa carta! lo que propongo es que esa carta tenga un maximo de envio de zuaves que maximo de zuaves que puedan llegar sea 20 y de ahi la carta siga siendo infinita pero no aumente más su numero.
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Between this and the card that generates units every time a building is razed the USA is ridiculous in the late game.
Did a ffa last night and it is virtually impossible to deal with if the player is remotely competent.
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It’s 1 or the other though you can’t have both.