Usually kids dont play this game!

In this AOE4’s reddit post, almost 800 people voted. And the result is that kids that are below 18 do not play this game. Only 12 people voted that they are 18 or below. This means, change cartoonish graphics! Give us more blood and corpse options!!! Teenagers do not play this game, it is adults and adults!!!

The reason is simple, teenagers play games that does not demand tactical and strategic thinking. They mostly play games that is straighforward. Shoot and kill, loot and steal, run and escape kind of games. Strategy games demand more precise thinking, that includes short, medium and long term planning. Kids dont do that or doesnt care about it at all!


Graphics was a huge deal back before release, they lost a huge amount of players just by going Disney art style.


Yes, I agree with your statement!

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I would say there are many factors:

1.- Historical Game.- Well, in itself this is also a “historical” game, and unless they are children who begin to be passionate about historical elements and references, it is difficult for them to get into the mood of the game. Above all, it can happen that children who have a complex against their history teacher at school, or do not do well in that course, sometimes develop a phobia against movies, series or games that have a minimum of historical elements. It is a fear that is lost over time, but it can become a complex that deprives you of many fun elements of life, and i know some cases.

2.- Is it a Sequel and should I play the other titles? I would also say that it is because people who do not know the saga, see that it says "Age ##### ## - Four, and think that this is a sequel, and that they should play the other 3 parts to understand it. Kids that hadn´t played enough games will hardly look to play first the sequel as their first option. They will try to play the first game, or the 2nd game, and only if they like it, maybe they will try to try the 4th part.

3.- Fear of Micromanagement.- On the other hand, the RTS genre is not, let’s say, a mainstream genre. It has its niche, but it’s usually not early-age children. In fact, some children sometimes get scared if they think they have to know a lot of MICROMANAGEMENT, of several units at once to play these games, which prevents them from even trying titles like WarHammer or Total War. In general it is a psychological factor, until one really tries difficult titles, he will not see his true capabilities. I played Darks Souls believing that it was going to be impossible, and it ended up hooking me not because of the difficulty, but because of its LORE, which was beautiful, as well as passing it twice to unlock both endings, but it is something that you only discover if you dare to try games new.

4.- “Money, gamer PC, poor children.”- Finally, I would add that the factor “You need a gamer PC with at least 4 GB of graphics card” to play it in medium quality, affects a lot . Children “can’t” buy these types of computers, and unlike when AoE2 came out, where PCs with games were a novelty, now adults prefer to buy low-quality gamer PCs for their children, especially to spend the minimum and that they can use the computer for schoolwork, and only if they have enough money do they buy PC gamers.

Note: I just read the thread on Reddit, and the survey can be confusing, especially because it asks “What age do you think people play this game”, and not “What age range are you?” We would have to ask the STEAM data to have a more solid idea, but well, I don’t know if the age range is something public.


I literally started playing RTS games when I was a teenager (got started with 4x / turn-based strategy before that). Decades ago, now.

So while asking for more graphical bells and whistles is all good, making silly statements about what teenagers play, when you evidently don’t have a clue, isn’t really it.


I mean, the children of the 90s and early 2000s that played AoE 1 and 2 are nowadays the young adults that play AoE 4.


Or, perhaps, kids don’t read posts on reddit :rofl:
Pretty old school at this point.


That is before 21st century man, kids who are born in 2003 and onwards are completely different from us.

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Well, in my case, when I was a kid, I always went for the newest game. No matter the lore and difficulty.

Now the graphic cards are cheater and more powerful, I think that is not the case. Cheaper options like 3060ti are dirt cheap with i5-10th gen. 256gb-512gb ssd. 16gb ram ddr4. 400-500 (used to new) decent pcs.

Yep, that is the main case here. And some played other games such as Warcraft and starcraft etc. That is the point. The grand age of strategy games was early 2000.

Perhaps it is.

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They may play different things, and the heyday of “classic” RTS games may be in the past, but kids are still kids. They’re not dumber, or incapable of “tactical and strategic thinking”. You have no idea if they care about “precise thinking” or “planning”.

We were all kids once, and a bunch of us played RTS games when we were kids. If we were capable of it, the kids of today are as well.


They are woke, they are thought what is gender identity in their school.
It is different generation and are completely different.
In California it is worse.

“Very few kids are capable of this kind of game” is more appropriate way of description.


In summary, children don’t play age of empires because teenagers are much more interested in fast paced violent games, and are also sensitive and woke and from the American state California, this makes them incapable of this kind of game. Very interesting understanding of why children are not playing age of empires in 2024.


Well, your point is just like the mainstream media.
You twisted and overexaggerated everything I have said.
Good job!


I have no idea why you’re inserting politics into this. I stand by my opinion of “you don’t know what kids are like”, and demanding changes to the game based on that are unlikely (in my opinion) to go anywhere.


It is not the politics, but the general studies that modern children get and it affects their interest too.
You have accused me several times and you are being really rude.
I dont know you work for Relic or Microsoft, if so you really should be silent in this forum, because you only end up spreading biased information, opinion etc.

I really like the cartoon style that was adopted in the game. I certainly wouldn’t like more blood or realism. I thought the developers’ choice was perfect.


Try to avoid rude comments from either side and enter into certain topics that may enter into a strong conflict of ideas.

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For very few people.
Most players want complete game with great effects, animations, contents etc.
But AOEIV is missing many, even from its previous games.
Some mechanics etc were great, loved by many players. Then, the designers decided to remove those great things that most players cherished in their hearts. Really pissed off many players who loved those things.
This is why AOEIV’s player base is not increasing but losing, even after a huge DLC release. It is not retaining new players, because the game is missing crucial mechanics that its previous games implemented successfully. They have the data, but not using it to its fullest potential.

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I agree, the game’s design feels good to me. I have always enjoyed the design for each civ and look forward to the evolution the game will experience in the future.


You’re the one calling children of all ages too bad at a bunch of things to properly enjoy RTS games :person_shrugging:

And now you’re suggesting I work for the devs. Super cool. Good luck trying to convince people, but I’m really not convinced personally.

I also like how the game looks, but I wouldn’t call it a cartoon. But that’s just me grouching, everybody seems to call something that isn’t hyperrealistic a cartoon these days (and it isn’t always a negative) :sweat_smile: