V.3.1! UNIQUE HISTORICAL ARMY SKINS - S.XVI-XVIII - Multiplayer compatible!

Discuss V.3.1! UNIQUE HISTORICAL ARMY SKINS - S.XVI-XVIII - Multiplayer compatible!


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the russian strelet final upgrade holds its melee weapon in melee mode quite rong, painfully in fact.
unless russians have iron hands i dont think it feels good to hold a sword by the blade.

could this be fixed? or give him his Axe back?

but besides that much love for this mod

El problema es que si les cambia la animaciĂłn, no funcionara en multijugador u,u ya lo intento dandole a los guerrilleros alemanes la animacion del neftenya

I really like this MOD , Can you tell me when multiplayer support will be restored? Is there any new progress?