Vietnamese need change some thing more

I write ahead and it not need and suck for vn, saw mayan uni technology :)))). Vn need chan ut more than mayan so much

The new Mayan UT is a nerf tho


How about this: In addition to making the gold up front, after you research it, every 40 trades allows you to research it again. That’ll work out to being worth approximately 10 extra gold for every 100 total resources spent at the market and/or purchasing the tech.

What he said

Viets are good at the moment, ratans are a really good unit and are balanced with lower (castle age) range and slower firing.

I 100% agree paper money needs reworked or changed. Here are some ideas, some from above and some new:


  • market suggestion - gives you 3 additional gold when selling wood (14->17, 17->20, which is just better than saracin bottomed out market, but only for selling wood)
  • Passive wood - like Burgundians, but with lumberjacks. 35 lumberjacks = 1 relic
  • Reuse - make it reusable, but at a lower efficiency and only for self (useful for a 1v1).


  • Skirms +1 damage vs cav (still not effective, but means they can fight hussar better)
  • Battle elephants train 50% faster
  • increase battle elephant splash damage
  • make battle elephants regenerate hp slowly

Nobody reading this will like all ideas, I’m not even sure on some of them. Which so you like? But let’s discuss more options for paper money, though I do like the market idea already discussed a lot.


I support any tweaks or changes for paper money.

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Rattan archers dont need a change. They deal more damage than Arbalests, move faster and have insane pierce armor, allowing them to dive under TCs and even castles. Rattans are in my opinion the best unique archer unit at the moment, and are frequently seen to be used by vietnamese players. They hard counter a lot of other archer civs, which often have lackluster cavalry, while the rattan archer isnt even bad vs cavalry, because of its high movement speed and damage.
There really is nothing wrong with the unit.

I think all of these except the wood one could be useful to some extent. It is almost worthless as the time you have enough Jack’s you don’t need that tiny trickle and anything more would be oppressive earlier on.

The skirms one is interesting
 It gives them 100% more damage in FU fights v cav. And doesn’t help vs turk or tatar scouts or other high PA cav which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The market one is for late game, again not really an issue for viet so doesn’t really help them where they need it.

The elephant ones are nice because they definitely over nerfed eles in general instead of just resolving the khmer issue. I would like to see a similar buff to Burmese eles.

Although im not sure if buffed tt makes a difference. The resources is the limit not the tt. Like making Persian war eles train faster won’t help them one iota.

Even with any of these buffs imo they would still need an early game one

Ive also been wondering about their laming potential. They have the potential to have it enhanced to fit their in game identity (eg all units take less damage from animals, this helps laming and forward vils, besides luring)

Imagine being triggered by laming and then proposing to buff a laming bonus just because some random winrates imply that a civ is “weak”

Wait. They have a lot of laming potential yhanks to their starting TC knowledge. That is enough.

Training time is good for defense as well, when you need to mass a little army as quick as possible while the enemy is attacking your walls.

However, the biggest use of this would be in imperial. Combined with free conscription bonus, vietnamese could switch to elephant army compositiom much faster, even without a castle.

So i dont see this as a useless bonus at all. Circumstantial,but not useless.

Actually, i was hoping this bonus would be applied to indians in case they receive elephants, but it seems they are not performing bad after the rework.

Rattan sure need change, they not enough standard power compare to prices they creat. Paper money too. And ele dont important like rattan or economy bonuss. Mayan :))) now get the hero skirmishers hah weak?? Viet weaker so much


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He seems to think plumes and Mayan skirms are better than rattan and Viet skirms. I am 100% sure that Hul’che spear is like the worst skirm bonus in the game rn, so they are at no risk of outclassing imp skirms. Plumes vs Rattan is more debatable. Both have upsides and downsides so it seems pretty fair to me in the end.

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I think not indeed, if have think I want to say Viet still need this change. From long time ago