Hahaha, so true. Typically, cartridges were pretty solid. But the complexity and scope of the games back then probably paled in comparison to what goes into games these days, or even the past 15-20 years. Which ties into your other point…
You have interesting observations that make me think. Thank you for sharing!
That’s too bad. I made a custom .rms map in HD that I liked playing and I haven’t yet tried to re-create it in DE… but I would like to someday. I’m sad that there isn’t just some auto-converter tool that will take your map script and auto-convert it to DE assets. (Or at least get it really close, and then do some minor tweaks here and there to get it where you want it.) It really seems like that would be a fairly straightforward and simple tool for a developer or coder to make; even if the end-result isn’t 1-to-1 perfection
I mean, if in HD you specify 100% land, dirt terrain for player_lands, GRASS3 for elevation 7, along with various other terrain specifications, objects, object locations and amounts, starting gold, sheep, forage, etc… like all these things should have a direct counterpart in DE that could assigned to/correlated to, no?
I just don’t see why this converter tool couldn’t be or hasn’t been done yet; assuming it hasn’t been done. Trees are trees. Grass is grass. Stone is stone. Gold is gold. Water is water. Gaia is gaia. Cliffs are cliffs. Quantities are quantities. Groups are groups. Radiuses (radii) are radii. Etc.
The relationships seem pretty straightforward to me. I know the tool would need to translate the info to DE, but it shouldn’t be that hard, imo. Something currently already tells DE to make trees, grass, stone, gold, water, gaia, cliffs, etc in certain ways. Just need to convert the info over from HD.
At any rate, I just looked for my old HD .rms map, and I can’t find it? Did a patch update possibly wipe out custom maps people had in the AoE2:HD map folder? I guess there’s a slight chance I didn’t bring my .rms map over to my new PC yet… but I’d be surprised if I didn’t. Hmm… research for a different day…