[Vote] Dawn of the Dukes most anticipate civs

Eh, Swiss did held an okay territory but they only were important in the late middle ages and they werent as important as Portos.

Also Poles are honestly a bit too much like Lithuanians are in-game but thats just my opinion


I misunderstood the question, then.


The Magyars created the first Hussar regiments, not the Poles.
Also, Winged Hussars are not Medieval, they are late 1500s, early 1600s.


Fair enough, Ive seen multiple people mention this before and seemed like they felt they were getting overlooked.

I would much prefer another american civ like the Iroquois. Vandals seems like a solid choice as well.


Who will play with such a civ (for their Paladins)? Burgs have the upgrade discount for Paladin already, so that means the new civ wouldn’t have it.

So in 1v1 you’d never see these Paladins because it’s an expensive upgrade to go for, and in Team Games you won’t see these Paladins because you can just pick an actual Paladin civ…

What I would love to see with Dawn of the Dukes is Bohemians (Germanic), Poles (Eastern European) and Georgian with a new set they’d share with Byzantines and Bulgarians.

That’d be my dream Dawn of the Dukes variant.


What rumours are you talking about?

Speculation from a Reddit thread without proof. Could also mean absolutely nothing.

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I suppose they could come up with another bonus to make them more viable. Or even if they don’t it’s fine, give them more options as a compensation. After all no one is losing anything because of Celts and Byz having paladins, so it would be a similar situation with such a civ.

Cheap paladins 11

It may end up being the most OP thing ever, but it may be interesting

Already a Berber bonus. One of the few things which hasn’t been done yet in regards to heavy cav is something in relation to Bloodlines, Cav armour technologies or regeneration (all of those very likely OP).

A bigger discount than Berbers I mean

That’d be broken. Considering that the Berber bonus isn’t OP because they get “just” Cavalier, I don’t see very cheap Paladins being a thing, even if they’d just get only the first armour upgrade.


Im not saying it will be balanced but I mean it more with a civ with an stable tech tree like Byz

I think Tibetans, if they are added, should not get Paladin. Instead, they should get 2 UTs, one that removes the Gold cost fromKnights, and another one that gives them +2/+2 Armour.

That would actually be more in line with Tibetan Heavy Cavalry, which was prevalent very early in the Middle Ages, and famous for it’s mountain-style lamellar suit.

Trash Knight is much more original than another Paladin.


Anyway, the most likely candidates are Poles, Bohemians and Georgians IMO for Dawn of the Dukes. I just hope that the rumour that it will have a new set turns out to be true.

Would be great to see Caucasian architecture being part of this game.


Trash cavaliers is probably most broken than cheaper Paladins

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I never said anything avbout Trash Cavaliers.


Guys for the love of God, Trash Knight line, too cheap paladin and similar stuff is broken AS HELL

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Trash Knight in Imperial Age is not broken. It would actually be close to a Hussar, just a little stronger.

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Better attack than Hussar and better HP than even Magyar Huszar, is broken
For that same reason the badass Magyar UU needs castles, needs a tech to remove the gold cost and that same civ lack eco bonus