🗳 VOTE NOW! 1v1 Ranked Map Rotation - October 06

On a more serious note, Islands and MegaRandom would never be voted in, which I would really really mind. Nile Delta and Yucatan are novelty maps which would be fun to see for 2 weeks, but Islands and MegaRandom have a lot of replayability.

We need a voting system which ensures that the maps prefered by 70% of players don’t constitute 100% of the maps. Vote-inspired dev picks do the job.
I’m pretty sure Nile Delta is only a dev pick because in the last vote it got 4th place with 35% of the votes 🗳 VOTE NOW! 1v1 Ranked Map Rotation - September 22

A voting system with different categories, where players pick 1 map from each category could do the job.
A voting system where votes carry over between cycles could do the job.
But both of those require more work from the devs.
The system you proposed does not do the job. 30% of players (or more) would be marginalised.

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