🗳 VOTE NOW! Team Game Ranked Map Rotation - June 15!

May not just be build orders but build orders are sure an essential part of any players play style. Unless we are talkin LEL type games then no, they don’t care about build orders lol.

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Well that’s just a dumb take, most of the people playing ranked do it for the matchmaking system, that’s why you will always see answer on post about new player asking how to start to play say “just go on ranked, you will loose your first 10/20 game may be, but you’ll be able to play against people of your level afterwards”. Ranked is about having a system where your match will be interesting, caring about your elo is caring about some superficial things that doesn’t really matter, and will just go up and down, no need to worry about it, and yes it might be hard, but honestly every one would benefit to go to the psychiatrist.
Second, aoe2 is not just about arabia, it’s a complete game, and why would the ranked system only works for “standards” map, nomad, scenario map like you call them, are just part of the game as much as arabia and the likes.
Once again, cause I can not stress it enough, ranked is about matchmaking interesting match, and having tried both normal and ranked queue, it isn’t even remotly close how much the ranked matchmaking is better than normal matchmaking queue.

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And you know that mastering a build order, especially on open maps, will bring you to early feudal and nothing more. The rest is micro, macro and decision making, that has nothing to do with BOs

Nomad tests your luck in tcs positioning and that’s it.
Nomad, just like megarandom, shouldn’t make it to ranked because they are simply not competitive: there’s way too much rng involved.
Oh, and btw, do you know there’s an optimal way of playing nomad too in theory?


 the elo is the matchmaking system.
You’re matchmade to people of your skill level via the elo system. If you tank your elo to meme around, you get paired against people worse than you and have a boring easy game. You get boosted by your friend, you get paired against people much better than you and you die immediately and have a boring game.

I feel like you’re a little confused
 Unless you’re saying the optimal way to play is to never, ever improve, in any capacity, in any way shape or form.
In which case, you should still care about your elo anyways because if you artificially inflate it with Nomad you’re going to die instantly because you refuse to improve.

As a note, I don’t want every game to be Arabia. I don’t know why you’re putting those words in my mouth. I said I don’t think banning more maps is the solution because then every game would be Arabia. Not every map is Arabia. You don’t need to vote in meme maps to not play Arabia.


you have no clue what you’re talking about


I have more than a clue.
I just exaggerated like the guy i responded to. Nomad is not only luck in tc positioning (even tho it is pretty important) just like arabia/arena or whatever fixed map is not only memorizing a build order.

But again, you are the one who’s saying that the skill of a player is tested only in hybrid maps, so what do I have to say? (Inb4 you start again with that random ■■■■■■■■ about decision making related to full committing on water, on land or whatever. If you play only at high elo like you said, you should know that there’s still a ■■■■ ton of decision making even on an open/closed map. If you don’t think so, you are the one without a single clue about what you say)

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in teamgames with civ-picking + position-picking it is

you have no clue what you’re talking about


Again, i have way more clue than you apparently.
You just sound like another user who thinks that the skills of a player are misured by going random and still suck as a player at the end.

The simple fact that you don’t even think that doing upgrades early in feudal, going full knights in castle, going up faster with just 2 stables, delaying your tcs to drop a third stable in early castle as decision making shows that you don’t even understand what decision making is.
The fact that you don’t think that a flank could open drush, m@a or straight archers, delay his next archery range in favour of straight balistics or a tc also shows how much you are the one not really knowing what’s going on here.

But go ahead, I have no clue, you are incredible, skill lies only in random civ and all the other ■■■■■■■■ you keep telling yourself. Good evening :slight_smile:


que bueno, me alegra

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People need to stop being pussies about nomad. If you don’t like the map then take it as one of your map bans.


Nomad Fun map 
 Let Vote it


Already there! Instaban!

I agree I also love nomad - just a bit of spice of having to adapt fast to whatever circumstances you’re faced with. Why would you not want to practice that?

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For you! They are an elo buff for me :smiley:

On a more serious note, I enjoy Socotra a lot because it has quite a unique playstyle compared to any other map in the rotation.

I enjoy Nomad for a similar reason, meta on Nomad is a lot less stale thanks to the random variation of game starts.

I would like to see both of these maps become permanent in the rotation tbh.

As a person who enjoys memeing around

I enjoy this map. But for a serious game? Nah lol. This map is full meme mode.


Normal match making is the lobby or quick play? In both cases you seems to be right. Even tho it isnt perfect, ranked is much better in balancing teams the quick play (no balance at all) or lobby (based on nothing).

May i laugh? Nomad seems to be one of the most complex maps to master, since there are some standard things to do, a lot depends on the placements of teams and you role based on these placements. For Arabia the meta is flanks archers, pockets cav and you are probably done with all the strategies (I know it is more complex than this), but on nomad you cant have a such pre planned plan, you really have to make these decisions during the game.

Nomad is much more chaos and much less build orders.


@BBQTurkman Do you know if they at all consider to include nomad in the fixed mappool for team games?
Best regards


Literally in the same thread, a couple of message below

I don’t get why players are whinging about nomad. The random element to it and the need to adapt to the chaos of it is why I, and clearly many others, love it. It’s pretty well balanced as well if you know what you’re doing. If you hate nomad, why not just use your map ban on it?


Every game I’ve ever played with any sort of competitive MMR or ELO’s biggest criticisms is RNG elements.

ELO is supposed to represent your skill level.
How is it fair that your ELO drops because the Briton doing a feudal archer rush RNG’d into a much better start?
I don’t see where all of this “you need to adapt” are coming from. Are you meaning to just be able to change your build order to a different strat to fit your starting resources? It’s just MegaRandom with a longer start then, isn’t it?

A few people now have asked about map bans further down this thread so I’ll re-state what has already been said.
You have a limited amount of map bans. If you do not like water maps and therefore have to ban Pacific Islands. I don’t like massive elements of RNG in ranked queues so I ban MegaRandom and Nomad. People think Nomad is anti-build order which is why it’s great (which makes no sense at all), but Socotra is the exact opposite. Master the marmsflush and GG. So why vote for that? And then you have no more bans left.

I wish we could just slot Nomad in as a regular rotation to make you happy, allowing it to be banned without taking a ban slot to make me happy.

I just don’t see how the meta changes beyond having to be ready to do a build order your nation isn’t geared towards if your start has limited gold or wood or stone ect. In a match of two people of equal skill (Which is the point of ELO/MMR ranked matchmaking) the person who puts their town center down in a better place faster will win almost every time barring extreme civilization counters. Is the meta to just play the Byzantines so it doesn’t matter who plays what with what start you just trash flush every game? I don’t understand where this adaption and meta change and “build orders don’t work” arguments keep coming from, help me understand if you’d like.

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