šŸ—³ VOTE NOW! Team Game Ranked Map Rotation - June 15!

Can you tell me exactly what ā€œadapt fastā€ means? Because I just canā€™t understand what this ā€œyou have to adapt and be a l33t pro gamerā€ stuff keeps coming from. I donā€™t see any adaption beyond maybe needing to deal with the troll who does the ā€œbuild my TC on yoursā€ meme. or butchering yourself by having to switch to a strat your civ sucks at.

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How about this? We trade Megarandom for Nomad? (at least on nomad you can expect some common things). Megarandom is a MEGA meme and should not be a default choice for serious players (I do see where the devs get a kick out of it tho via forcing players to deal with it [most instaban it anyhow tho]. Pick a meme map and stay with it or rotate between the two on the FORCED into rotation maps lol.

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I would practice itā€¦ if I donā€™t care about my elo or I am unranked but even then my time is better spent on the more ā€œregular mapsā€. Nomad is for the memelords and those that live off of luck!

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Decision making. Unlike in Arabia where 99% of games people follow a build order that theyā€™ve decided on even before jumping into the game, in Nomad you actually really need to adapt your thinking and decision making to the circumstances. Yes, there is some element of luck perhaps due to starting positions, but in team games this usually tends to balance out in both teams having some good and some bad starts. There is also no element of ā€˜position pickingā€™ unlike an Arabia 4v4/3v3 since locations arenā€™t fixed. So you donā€™t usually see the stale xbow flank, knight pocket meta that you see in the majority of Arabia TG. This means that people tend to pick a bigger variety of civs than the same 4-5 that I see in Arabia.

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Here is land nomaf???

Then 99% of people should be below average elo, but they arenā€™t so I feel like youā€™re exaggerating. If you queue a nation in Nomad you have an idea of what strat you want to use until you see the start you get vs what nations, and then you may have to change strategies. That is the exact same for any map.

Do you really think Iā€™m going to fast castle cavalier Burgundy if I get put into a match vs Byzantines and Indians combo just because I pressed queue deciding Iā€™m going to?
Maybe if I feel like throwing.
But I donā€™t feel like a lot of people beyond below starting elo just throw every game until they get their desired team combo.

Also, what do you mean thereā€™s no element to position picking in Nomad? Thatā€™s literally the entire game mode, and also one of your major arguments??? If someone planning to butt rush you with Briton archers and they put their TC right next to a wood and gold combo closer to your TC so less travel time youā€™d best believe theyā€™re going to have a mega advantage compared to what they would have on Arabia. Do you think building an archery range and a couple skirmishers are going to be enough to stop the boosted eco faster archery ranges of the Britons?

OR, youā€™ll just completely destroy them because of RNG giving you a mega-better start. Yay, you won because of RNG and not because of anything to do with skill.

Thatā€™s the real reason you guys like Nomad, just admit it. Better players get flustered because nobody but memelords play the map and then you can steal victories all the while refusing to learn how to play for real because itā€™s cool to nomad and reject playing the game properly.

You might take offense to me saying memelords, and I apologize if youā€™re taking it to heart, but Iā€™m frustrated. Look at the arguments you all are giving me. ā€œBuild orders donā€™t matterā€ ā€œThereā€™s only a little RNG and no position picking!ā€ but then that turns into ā€œitā€™s everything! You need to adapt like any other game mode but for some reason we think you can only do it on Nomad!ā€, plus the constant comparisons to Arabia when my entire argument for not voting in so many trash maps is that you canā€™t afford to ban Arabia like a lot of people would like to do because memelords keep voting in trash like Nomad and Socotra.

Iā€™m just muting this convo at this point, Iā€™m convinced Iā€™m just being trolled.

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Play another 200 Arabia TGs and you will understand what I mean by position picking. Youā€™ll mostly see the same variation of civs being picked into flanks and pockets and the same strat happen most of the times. In Nomad this is a lot harder to do because of the randomness that happens inherently from the map. So all the Arabia only geared position based strategies are not that effective, allowing for a more varied gameplay.

I donā€™t take offense to being called a memelord, I like memeing around. But that isnā€™t exclusive to Nomad, there are plenty of memestrats for Arabia too, sometimes I make smurfs just for troll strats :slight_smile: 1v1 players will still regularly lose to well executed meme strats until you reach a very high level, so I dont get your point about this. Anyway, the game is meant to be played for FUN, so actually I donā€™t see why anyone would be offended by being called a memelord.

I personally can play Arabia just fine, but I get bored of it after a few plays, especially with the mega-repetitive meta. So having a map that has something different to it is quite refreshing.

No offense, but it seems like youā€™re probably just at the stage where youā€™re getting comfortable with only a handful of maps, and get frustrated when you get defeated by more rounded players who can adapt to unconventional situations better. I see this happen a lot where Arabia only players just try to vote in Arabia clone only maps, because they get owned hard by ā€œworseā€ players on other map styles.

According to aoestats, the first 10 most picked civs for Arabia TG are present in 61% of the games, with Franks/Briton combo equals 23%. The top 3 civs have the following win rates: 53,2%, 52,11%, 51,78%.

In Nomad, the top 10 civs are picked 48% of the games, with Persians and Malians accounting for 17%. The top 3 civs have the following win rates: 54,46%, 53,51%, 53,18%

There is variation but its not that much, as both maps do have some clearly stronger civs and strategiesā€¦ In fact, you have more civ wins in Nomad, apparently.

As for adaptingā€¦ Nomad is a hybrid map and except for villager fights or TCs position, there isnt much variation compared to other hybrid maps. In fact, due to its ā€œuniquenessā€, Malians has 55% win rate on it as you can get a fishing ship immediatelyā€¦ So for all its variation and diversity, it still has three civs with win rates higher than the top three on Arabia!

Every civ plays the same build order in Dark Age, simply because fishing is the strongest so getting your dock up and running is the priority.

Fast forward to Feudal Age and when compared with other hybrid maps Nomad adds the possibility of much easier tower rush / castle drops. Which is why the next top two civs are Koreans and Spanish! So for a map with lots of variation and adaptation, in fact the simplest strategy that doesnt even require immediate military is the strongestā€¦ And the best answer to towers or castles? Towers and Castles!

From a viewership perspectiveā€¦ Viper is hosting a showmatch today that featured a Nomad game. They restarted twice because TCs were touching. No one wants to see a showmatch that ends minute 6ā€¦ Just like no one should like to play these games. I mean. You spend more time in queue than playingā€¦

Anyway, just wanted to add some statistics.

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Thanks for the numbers! So my feelings are validated! 48% is definitely high, but definitely less high than 61%!

Geez can taste the salty tears from here. Can easily tell the people who have been dumpstered on Nomad a few times and are blaming it on RNG :joy:

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Maybe i am the only one but i enjoyed african clearing and land nomad more than nomad. I wonder why some maps(megarandom for example) are like every week for voting but land nomad only every 5th-6th time.

Itā€™s not because its unpopularā€¦it was always 1st vote when it was for votingā€¦thats pretty sad.