Walls and keeps need to be nerfed HARD

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the problem is that walls are either start too costly or too wasy to spam. there nothing between to transitioning and its a flaw in the game which was opened because the wall mechanics that in the end nobody uses it. In othe raoe that problem is easily solved with making it weak so multilayer is endorsed. but aoe 4 didn’t even built an area limit of construction to prevent multilayer which is the traditional way to defend which says a lot howe out of touch are with the franchise

increasing the hp at each age is what I have suggested, which is less drastic than passing them to imperail age, which is what they suggest on egctv’s discord

increasing hp dont solve the multilayering which is the main issue with stone hp when you hit age 4 and wood because they are easy to spam earlier. Also makes team games defense snowball go hard on late game

Can you translate that please.

I’m not interested in you hating Voxtix, the developers will ask what they want to know about it

I will never suggest increasing the hp of the walls! Rather divide it, its hp, at different ages

I asked for a translation since I dont understand spanish. I have no idea how anyone could come to the conclusion that im hating vortix by just asking that lol.

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it works on aoe 2 because it dont have potential exploiting mechanics like the garrison bonus like extra range and etc. the ideal for those wall is to make wood wall and then you can upgrade then to stone walls with extra build like wc3 which is an another way to fix the issue without relying on nerfing the hp but retaining it and making worth building it earlier and slow down multilayering

OK, I have here a logic question:

Why remove the thing, that makes the game fun to play in first place ?

It’s like the entire thing of Middle Ages, iron armour, so you have to fight in close combat,
all the fortifications with, walls and defence towers are the reasons we are here.

Maybe Age of Empires need to buff all the base build stuff even more,
make all the defence towers even deadlier and walls harder?

The point of balance is to have the things to be valuable, so they stay useful.
The way the idea here goes is, nerf everything, till it’s archer rush, that is replaced by spearman rush.


Yea. It really feels like the game is going in this direction because they’re listening to the wrong people.

Most civilization’s personality has already been thoroughly neutered, all in a desperate attempt at bad balancing. It is upsetting that Keeps and Outposts are so weak in this game, they’re practically useless.

The problem is deeper than that though. The reason they’re awful is because the game has an untethered economy. For some reason the designers decided it was a great idea to have multiple sources of infinite resources, and too many multipliers. So lategame consists of players overflowing with resources meaning dropping a bunch of Keeps is very easy.

That is why they can’t be strong. They also can’t increase the price of Keeps because they’re also meant to be accessible in Castle Age. So basically, they’re doomed to stay irrelevant and despite their irrelevancy, there are posts like this where players think they are a problem.

These players are sort of exactly the people they’re unfortunately listening to.


I totally agree, one reason I haven’t played the game much lately is because almost everything in the game has been demanded by someone to be nerfed, so the devs have nerfed almost everything to the point that there’s just a small number of viable strategies remaining. The argument presented early in this thread about build time and hp vs barracks, for example, is invalid IMO because a single segment of a wall has little value, it’s mostly the entire wall that has value, and it only takes the destruction of a single segment to defeat the entire wall. You have to look at what was invested in the entire wall not just a single segment.

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Since the developers are the ones who make the decisions and not you, I will simply leave this survey where 2/3 would prefer not to have the tower rush or they prefer to have the dark age battering ram available in order to counter it, fortunately with the changes the tower rush is little seen , greetings


In matters of balance, they are going to listen to professional players and technical players who argue well what they say.

For you to say that keeps are weak, when we continue to see a metagame (fortunately not as hard as before) of keeps, walls and siege on many maps, is to be outside of the competitive meta.

Static defenses are strong as it forces you into siege play and that will be fun for a few (which is why average playtime is closer to 30 minutes, somewhat higher than AoE2), but many quit the game for that reason. .

The game, when it gets closer to the Late Game, becomes heavy and slow, I’m not saying it, the numbers and the people who have gotten bored of seeing this say it.

It is important to see varied mechanics (without going crazy), just as important is to buff what is not used and is useless and nerf what is broken and worsens the game experience.

If one wants to play with a different balance, there are mods to play custom.

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It is almost like you didn’t read my comment. That is ok, I see you arguing blindly a lot in these forums.

The design around resources is what makes Keeps miserable in this game. Acquiring resources is too easy, making the placement of these units annoying and feel meaninglessly overwhelming. What I, and others are asking for, is for them to feel individually powerful. And like I described in my comment above, the issue goes beyond the building itself. It is related to the economics in the game and how attaining resources scales wildly.

So, to summarize, being statistically good buildings doesn’t mean they feel powerful or good to use. If this doesn’t get through to you, then I don’t know what else to say. No one wants Keeps to be how you win games, just for them to feel more influential.

Of course I know what you mean about unlimited resources, but I’m not going there, since the resource value of the Keep (especially its boiling oil technologies that affect all keeps, not 1 and, in imperial , the cannon with area damage) is what stagnates the games.

The fact that structures never miss arrows or area cannon damage plus the autotarget plus the fact that you can make springald to defend plus the above is what creates that unhealthy meta and throws people out of games.

But even with that, the game’s main problem lies elsewhere rather than balance.

P.S: I don’t care that there are “unlimited” resources and that they collect resources fairly fast, I care about the mix between balance, dynamism and fun.


dunno why that one matters in the wall and keep balance discusion but having a key near asdf… or the base commands hotkeys can make better difference than the curent hotkeys in deploying defense or using mouse buttons on some devices. those ones cant be used in a grid system

Here is your resource analysis


Each player has 4 stone resources of 1200 and one of 2400, giving a total of 7200 stone, which allows 9 keeps

Well, for those who wanted the translation of the Vortix clip it was to double the cost of Keep

I’ll be somewhat condescending and I would put it at a price of 1200 stone, which is the same as a small stone mine.


To reduce the Keep cost to 800 you must research a primary TC technology available in Imperial age


urgent proposal

They have forgotten how exaggeratedly weak the siege is

Springalds should only be available in Imperial Age.

The towers of stone walls must attack with arrows, if they want springald, they must do it using an imperial age technology


:pray: :pray: :pray:

A keep, it costs the same as 3 kinght and 1 spearmen, oh my god!!

at least that, keep ,costs the equivalent of 5 Knight

Age of Empires 3 and Age of Empires 4 suffer indeed from the same problem,
too many resources on too low unit limit.
Reduce the resources is the wrong way, it makes game boring.

To balance many resources, you have to make defenses stronger and give access to more units.
So you need to increase unit limit and buff up the defenses. Again units can move.

I have the feeling the optimal unit limit would be 350 for Age of Empires3/4, then you would be able to build a force large enough to take down your enemy, while having a functional economy. And buff the defences by 50% to be valuable in early game. Also fix the traders and wonders by 1vs1 matches by the way, where in 1vs1 matches traders make more money and wonders are cheaper.

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The springalds also do not allow you to destroy keeps and stone walls with their easy mechanics, they destroy trebuchets