We need a lot more civilisations!

I don’t think we’ll ever have 42 civs, but we actually are getting them as fast as AoE2 so far since it’s also been getting 2 a year.

Yes, and those civs, except the Aztecs came with campaigns for each one…

I would prefer they fix the current ones. we got currently 8 civs but they somewhat play the same on late game with only hc, paladin and canon units.

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Yes, it would be nice to get more than two each year but it’s not realistic as long as they don’t decide to go the AoE2 way and just copy paste new civs.

It is that the civs of AoE 4 are more similar to those of AoE 3 (obviously ignoring the home cities)…

basically this one
20 chars

Nah, more content is better. Surprised to see you appealing to competitive balance though.

I thought it was faster honestly

I’m hoping that we will not receive that many civilizations in AoEIV because eventually it means only one thing, civilizations will become more and more symmetric to each other and not asymmetric which is what they want currently with each civilization.

I expect the total amount of civilizations in AoEIV will be around 20-25 at the most and there will be people complaining that X civ didn’t make it to the game, but I’m more for that for quality and for asymmetric and not what AoE2 has done over the years because you can remove half of these civs and it won’t effect anything as they mostly feel the same.

I know much of the aoe4 community doesn’t care about this game, but in aoe3 it’s been the exact opposite. Each new civ expansion has brought even more asymmetric civs.

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Of course, when AoE 3 came out, the 8 European civs were very symmetrical to each other…with the regional dlcs they became more and more asymmetrical civs…in the last expansion the devs had to rework several European civs because they had become too basic for what the game currently offers… so most likely the same will happen with AoE 4 in the future (example in this season 4 and in this one that is coming (season 5) they already included several unique units in various civs, except the Holy Roman Empire)…

The number of the min civs required is 20 imo.

I’m good with 20. Balance will become quite difficult.

With a coop mode like SC2 though they could add in more that were basically variants of the main ones. That’s the only way things like Scotland should ever get in that I’ve seen people request.

Yes, or 24 in total…

6 in Europe: English, French, HRE, Rus, Ottomans and Byzantines

6 in Asia: Chinese, Mongols, Abbasids, Delhi, Cholas and Japanese

6 in Africa: Malians, Berbers, Ethiopians, Kongolese, Shona, Swahili

6 in America: Haudenosaunee, Puebloans, Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and Mapuche

ik but if current civs are boring e sport ones will get boring bcuz there nothing to show. e sport is just a reflect and consequence of a game that is well received and is played contantly. Another thing is that is forced first which happened.

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Luckily they are adding more unique units (HRE will be your turn)…

No fictional civs please, there were many actual great cultures in current Ecuador by the time-period AOE4 is set, like the Kañari, Guancavilcas and the Caranque Confederacy (NOT KINGDOM FOR GOD’S SAKE), but even then, they didn’t have the degree of development as independent states to be a featuring civ in a game like AOE, unless they appear in mechanics like the “mercenaries” from AOE3 or thematic upgrades or units for bigger civs that eventually absorbed them IRL, like the Inca.

Moving on the civ chat, I agree that for the sake of the assymetrical concept of the game, the civilization number must be kept short and the devs must take their tame to develop them, though in the long game, if it lives long enough, the number of civilizations introduced can still be good, given enough time.

Continental Europe: France, HRE.
Northern Europe: English, Rus.
Middle-East Asia: Abbasid, Ottoman.
Far-East Asia: Mongols, China.
Southern Asia: Delhi.
Africa: Mali.

I believe their next most important focus on new civs will be completing the Eurasian map on influential civs of the time period, then expanding on little or under represented regions like Southern Asia and Central Africa and finally delivering the new world with their most iconic civs.

Northern Europe: Norse (Danes - Kalmar Union).
Mediterranean Europe: Byzantines (ERE), Spanish, Venice.
Far-East Asia: Japanese.
Northern Africa: Amazigh (Almoravid - Marinid).
Southern Asia: Tamils (Chola - Vijayanagara), Khmer.
Central Africa: Ethiopian.
America: Aztecs (Mexica), Inca.

With that, we have 22 civs in the long game, a pretty difficult work considering assymetrical civs delopment gets harder the more civs you have to balance, maybe the release order will be different based on popularity of different civs, but this is how I believe endgame civ maps will be. Maybe will have the addition of some civs like Koreans, Polish, Hungarians, Persians, Portuguese or even tribal states like the Zulu or Haudenosaunee, but that may be stretching too far or waiting a long time into the future.

Hard to say what is the maximum possible civilizations for a game that can have good support for years.

I think between 24 and a maximum of 32, however, I think the ideal number would be 28 civilizations. Even if some say that it would not be possible, surely everything is possible. And it is always possible to change the gameplay of any civilization with certain types of changes and unique units. Nobody imagines that Age of Empires 2 would have the amount of civilizations it has today, the same goes for Age of Empires 4, nobody can predict what can be done and what cannot.

Having 28 AoE4 civs is like having 60+ AoE2 civs according to the asymmetry (there are already some small balance issues in AoE2 despite the symmetry due to the large number of them).

The ideal (knowing that there is no deck and hundreds of different units as in AoE3) would be 20 civilizations at most (22 is starting to seem excessive to me)

P.S: And that they be civilizations that have a name, that give marketing, not ones that very few people know.

Some people are completely illogical with their expectations about civs. For example, I can guarantee that IF we even get American civs (which I don’t even think is given), they are absolutely going to be either Inca or Aztec, and nothing else. Full Stop. My prediction of the first 8 new civs (to reach double the amount we started) that I made shortly after the game released, which I still believe more or less to be true, was:

Most likely: Ottomans, Byzantines, Danes, Japanese (due to game suitability and overwhelming popularity)
More likely: Mali, Khmer, Ethiopians, Dravidian civ such as Vijayanagara (due to game suitability and under-represented regions)

Honorable mentions: Poland, Spain, Dai Viet, Aztec or Inca (e.g. they might throw a curveball and include Poland or Spain over Danes, or Dai Viet over Khmer)

I truly don’t believe anything beyond this has a chance of making it into the game, beyond if they introduce ‘clone’ civs (which I’ve been playing around with for some of the Italian city states)