We need some Expansions

Should join the new Asian country to make it equal

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you have it. they are ignorant enough to offend every asian, however they are american, so slave trading will be a big issue to them.


I think there are enough civs and the balance is pretty decent right now. Iā€™d prefer not having more civs or changes thrown into the mix. Letā€™s focus on bug fixes and enhancements for the existing game.


Totally agree
Is always the same with the Suggestion Police; ā€œMY idea is they should focus on fixing instead of YOUR ideaā€ (and if anyone replyā€™s to this particular quote, it proves the point of being about ego instead of the sake of the game)
It makes you think, do they believe there is only 4 dudes working on the hole game?
They have teams working for everything, people should ask and demand for more, the game had always been unbalanced since TAD (and thats a really long time ago)


Iā€™m still looking forward to have Korea added too.


Iā€™m with you, with one alteration - Iā€™d much rather have a West African faction, like the Sokoto Caliphate or Songhai Empire, than an Arab faction like the Moroccans. The Ottomans are doing the job of representing the Turkic and Arab worlds in the game. Itā€™s Sub-Saharan Africa that is unexplored right now.


I also doubt Devs will add African Civs because they are afraid of ā€œsocial retributionā€ Sad, I will definitely will buy an African expansion, Some African civs, + Italians and Belgians, new maps and historical battles. I hope Iā€™m wrong, but I bet Devs will never do it.


I think AoE team need to add diverse varieties of unique military units in all categories and unique colonial infastructural system which includes not just the buildings but the unique colonial administration system, which historically each colonial power e.g. British vs French vs Pourtegese vs Spanish.
And on military units each colonial power was different whether it was infantry, artillery, cavalary. For this AoE team can see classic case studies from the history. For example during Franco-Prussian war French army dominated Prussian army by its chesspot reifles whereas the Prussian army dominated French army by its pounder artillery. So AoE III expansion packs must include all unique units in all categories whether its different types of infantries, artilleries, cavalaries etc.

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Great pic which depict of its time. Africa was called Scrambled Africa during the colonial era.

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Iā€™m looking at the Native Civilizations that offersā€¦

ā€¦and dear god, Iā€™m horrified at how how stereotypical and just plain wrong they are. I wish people would actually search for people from those cultures before they just make up stuff about them.


However, they have no problem to discriminate against other countries, you just have to read the description of the civilizations and realize, if in the simple descriptions they are so disparaging towards some and whitewashing the history of others, imagine in the balance of the game what are their intentions. It is normal that 2 is infinitely more popular

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Now that we see dlcs for aoe2 ,i feel like we can expect for aoe3 de also but we need a stable game before that happens ,i would love to see new civs ! I did prolly wanna see a dlc around next year.
Civs which can be added:Argentina ,Brazilians,Canadians,Chilean,Colombian,Ethiopian,Finnish,Haitian,Italians.


Most of the civs you mentioned are already in the game as revolutionary civilizations, they could however make a DLC based on revolutions and expand them. Iā€™m very excited that AGE2DE will receive a dlc, I hope only that we wonā€™t have to wait a year

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WOL has been accused of stereotyping too much, a thing they promised to fix in later updates in their Discord.


About the ā€œjustice warriorā€ arguments with the new changes: this game have avoided a lot of things since beggining: [black] slavery is the most important one.

A balance between historic facts to build a civ design, gameplay liberties and stereotypes should be made: currently asian civs are very unbalanced towards meme level of design.

I hope that if they add new civs, they wouldnā€™t go to the same kind of representation. Just a fun way of do it, without idealizations.

My top pics are Persia and Korea, followed by Sub-Saharian Africa civs and South-East Asian civs.

European maps also would be cool, and I would focus the timeline before the Scramble for Africa (too late) and put aside Australia colonization


Based on the situation in Swede and Inca, they canā€™t make a good Civil design.

Itā€™ll definitely destroy the balance and create a serious OP, Iā€™d rather not add it.


Definitely Korea and perhaps a Polynesian civ?


Korea did not perform well in the age of geographic discovery.
The only major event was that Korea was invaded by Japan and sought help from China. It even happened twice. Historically, it was impossible to organize an effective counterattack like the Native Americans.
But I support becoming a Korean tribe that can build a trading station, after all, there is a map of Korea.


Songhai, Ethiopians and Kongolese for Africa
Persians, Siamese, Burmese, Vietnamese and Koreans for Asia
Polish, Swiss, Danish and Italians for Europe.
By a reference AOE2 DE is getting a new expansion, so for AOE3 will be the same one day maybe


aoe2 is their sugar daughter so it get a new expansion, aoe3 is something maybe xbox game force them to do, there wont be any further expansion