Well I'm hyped, what's everyone's thoughts?

You know something? I truly hope they’d keep big maps, like in Age 2 DE. I love the ludicrous map size! With these realistic landscapes, full of mountains and valleys, that we’ve been seeing in Age IV, such an expanded map size would be great.

I know many people love 5-minute-hiper-agressive games, but I’m the opposite: I love longer games, full of tactics and ambushes and twists, and small maps are not suitable for that. So, pleeeeeease! :wink::heart_eyes:


Caucasias? That is NOT exactly a place. Caucasians came (supposedly), from the Caucas mountains. Not a place called “Caucasia”. :smiley:

i meant armenians, georgians and albanians

I’ve been a fan for a very long time lol, I was also disappointed in AOE 3 at release, so I understand where you’re coming from, feel free to voice your opinion haha.

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Here’s the question of the century: will they allow mods? Cause then we could swap all those graphics for new ones…

On the AI… don’t even get me started on that. Couldn’t agree more. Hope they fix at least the most blatant moronic behaviors… :zipper_mouth_face:

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I’m very much afraid you’ll have to get used to all of that… For good or worse, a new era is dawning… (well, at least were it suits them, haha)

Well, if it was their buddy that got hit…!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

also one feature i have realized is that the sheeps follow the scouts and the scouts can hunt deers and bring them back to your base it’s really gonna make scouting fun


All the more reason to leave their buddy and RUN AWAY… RUN AWAY… :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Sadly, I have to agree on the color palette and the scaling of units. It does bother me that people who are voicing their opinion are being attacked on that. This forum will probably be a blueprint of how the overall audiences will also react. I am assuming the devs will welcome all responses.

I make gaming assets myself and am fully aware of what is possible. Now, I’m very curious as to why they choose this style. I suspect that they wanted to stay close to the “feel” of the older games, but I think it’s not working because now we are many years down the road of the previous release and there is so much more you can get out of this art and graphics wise.


Mixed bag for me. I keep seeing these walled bases but is this an accurate reflection of how things will play out in their take on a ‘random battle’?

I appreciate it’s the Age of Empires franchise but RTS has been languishing for years now despite the Definitive Editions. I was hoping for something more innovative than what I saw that would be interesting, fun and bring in a larger playerbase.

Instead I saw way too much fan service for age of empires 2 fans like that relic found while exploring.

Good question, they keep saying it’s more siege focused, so idk if they are incentivizing full wall. As an aoe2 player I prefer games that aren’t just full wall boom fests we will see how that plays out.

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Eh… like the units in the walls.
That’s about it.

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Solid showing. Game looks fantastic. Should allow the option for blood and bodies to stay after dying(and decay into skeleton). Projectiles maybe too big not sure if they were archer arrows or like siege arrows. Excited.


The game looks awesome, and it really feels like they have put a lot of work in basically every aspect. Those landscapes, the illumination, the civilization and building designs… woah.

The units surely look a bit awkward (too big, clunky arrow visuals and some odd animations), but overall it has made me almost cry. I’m gonna play it no matter what, Fall come fast!


I just remembered that during the feudal age gameplay footage they showed the villagers using bows and arrows to fight off a raid. At long last, the vils will remember the hunting bows they’re always carrying when being attacked rather then just their little knives :rofl: I do wonder how that will work with raids though.


I love everything. Shut up and take my money already!

Only sad thing is, nothing for AoE1 :broken_heart:

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Well, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but of all the announcements last night, the only one that excited me was AOE3. African civs, finally! Any idea which civilisation it was they showed us? And I’m gunna reserve judgement on the USA being a civ. Maybe the new age-up mechanic will make USA work in the timeline, somehow?

AOE4: the graphics look awful. I don’t have much to add that hasn’t already been said there. Not a fan of the icons that pop up above the burning buildings and the people healing other units. Also dislike all the sparkly cannonfire. The landscapes and terrain look good though.
Did anyone notice that for all the talk of revealing 4 civs, they actually revealed 5? Britons, Normans, Dehli, Mongols, China.

AOE2: More European civs? Well, at least those clamouring for Poles and Bohemians might finally get their wishes granted. But I was hoping for something a bit more exotic.

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HYPED AS HELL!!! I LOVE IT (except some art assets, no biggie though).

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I’m excited for the gameplay mostly, multiplayer experience is what I strive for. Excited to help the devs with balances and such and maybe ideas to make the multiplayer experience better.

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