This reminds me of an idea I made earlier in another thread.
I think the capturable objects are the result of the implementation of that idea.
I’m looking forward to seeing capturable objects in some older maps in the future. This could be a good opportunity to introduce some campaign-only things into the normal game.
The trade posts of saltpeter site and the Spanish/Chinese treasure ships can be captured to provide resource trickles or resource crates. They have a chance to appear on maps of the subcontinent, Central America, and Southeast Asia, respectively.
The stockades can provide players with a limited number of outlaws to hire without taking up the population. Prisons are usually set up in less crowded places, which makes it reasonable.
The fixed guns in the scenario should be renamed to distinguish them from the Maltese ones. They might also have a chance to be capturable, since that’s one of how they work in the campaigns after all.
Here’s a new idea: Medieval Ruins.
Some ruins can be seen in some AoE2 campaigns. Those were reworked using AoE1 buildings, so it’s a homage-filled Easter egg. Maybe AoE3 is worth doing too. The medieval ruins will use the assets of AoE2.
Just by controlling the Ruins, it will give you a trickle of XP. Additionally, coins can be spent for Archaeological Research (big button, which provides a one-time large amount of XP) at there. Archaeological Research is like Mercantilism but can be researched multiple times and need a cooldown.
If it was a monastery, you can see an AoE2 relic there. It will, like AoE2’s relic, bring you a slight trickle of coins too.
If it was a castle or barrack, controlling it is like treating it as a garrison for your army, so you can train infantry and cavalry there, or having an aura to buff the units nearby there. Also, you can see an ancient statue there. The statue is a famous unit of AoE2, maybe Paladin or King.
If it had been a TC, market or university, there would be no extra function, but the cooldown of Archaeological Research would be shorter because there would be a lot of records of people’s activities there.
The ruins can also be famous ancient landmarks such as the Colosseum, the Pyramids, etc. Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt kicked off modern Egyptian archaeology, which I believe is definitely one of the most important things in the AoE3 timeline.