What do you think the civs will be

If it was a flop, I don’t think it was the campaign, I think it was the absolutely broken Hausa rush.

I’m hoping for some exotic civs like Persia and something from Oceania, but I also really want some more revolutions!

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I like the way this guy thinks


It’ll probably be Poland and Danes as there were units and flags listed in the game files for a bit.


That were leftovers for scrapped revolutions.

[Something is going on on SteamDB? - #262 by Airborne506th]

Those units could easily be repurposed for the proper civs.

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Could yes but imo it would be too obvious if it’s just going to be Danes and Poles. I think the devs have something other in store, Middle-Eastern dlc perhaps with Omans and Persians as civs.

No more civs please, Just fix game.

I hope it’s Argentina and Brazil. South America has no presence other than the Incas (which is a native civilization, just like the Aztecs, Lakota, etc.)

USA and Mexico were revolutions turned into full-fledged civilizations. They should do the same with Argentina and Brazil. Why would only North America have that privilege?


If you have US (thirteen colonies), Mexico (viceroyalty of new Spain, center of Spanish power in North and Central America), and Brazil (center of Portuguese power in South America),the obvious option is that the last rev civ should be Peru (center of Spanish power in South America, more so than Argentina and Colombia, which in turn were part of the viceroyalty at some point).


Peru didn’t freed itself though. And they were Spanish loyalist mostly.


While the city of Lima, and specifically the Criollos indeed were full of loyalist, the situation on other cities and regions of the viceroyalty and in different social sectors was not the same and saying they were all loyalist undermines their struggle and sacrifices they made for independence

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personally i hope we don’t get Spain 3.0


My personal favorite would be a DLC focused on the British colonial conquests of the Victorian era.

“The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets”, or something like that. Free patch with rework of the British faction (like the Ottoman one) and paid DLC with two new factions - Zulu and Maori, iconic historical battles like Isandlwana, Omdurman etc, as well as new maps filling this black spot:

Just imagine the cover art of such a DLC. A British colonial infantry square being attacked by Zulus on one side and Maoris on the other, with musket smoke splitting the image into two different landscapes. Here’s my not-so-ideal (wrong uniforms etc) take on this with AI image generator:

Netherless, as for the upcoming DLC, I think it will be Persia + Korea/Siam, filling these Asian black spots on the world map.

  • Indians civ rework and potentially split it.

Perfection :heart_eyes:

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People just want new

A Zulu civ surely would only exist for this - what else could they bring to the table as a civ that spans all AoE3’s Ages? Would their unit roster change much?

They would make a great Campaign civ, sure, or minor civ, however they don’t have a lot going for them as a fully-fleshed out civ.


Please more civs and please fix the game.


The Zulu civ would exist especially because it is an iconic and perhaps most recognizable symbol of the resistance of the black Africa peoples to European colonialism, what makes them a natural choice for a game whose main theme is world colonization.

It’s just a matter of the devs imagination and creativity. The Zulus have developed their own unique warfare and it is quite well described in many publications. All that is needed to do is read some on this topic and think about how to present the various unique motifs found there for gameplay purposes. The game already includes several native “horseless” nations and there is no reason why there couldn’t be more of them. Especially since the recent DLCs have introduced many new, unusual types of infantry units in the game that are not yet represented among the main nations, such as melee skirmishers or counter skirmishers. There are also some old and actually almost unused ideas, like (native) Iroquois Tomahawk from vanilla AoE3, that deals “melee damage in range” etc. Similar ideas, combined with standard elements of the native nation template (like shock infantry units) allow you to create a unique combination for their unit roster. The Zulu armament spectrum, from various traditional weapons to even some western firearms, makes them adaptable to different ideas, so as I wrote above - it’s just a matter of creativity. A more detailed analysis of this particular theme is a topic for a separate thread.

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So, since a lot of people earlier complained a bit about my selection i guess i will address it.

So, if i absolutely had to add more options it would have been Native American and AOM.

The reasons i didn’t do that is:

  1. I kind of think its a possibility a new world civ pack could be a mixture, so like Mapuche and Brazil for example. And i don’t think it would have helped to have split that question into 3 separate groups to cover it, all that would have resulted in is 1 option at 6% and 2 others at 2% each, though i will admit i should have added a native civ to the roster for “new world”.

  2. I didn’t wanna add the same civs to different options, as an example an “AOM expansion” would logically include Danes but so would a Baltic expansion with Poland, and of those i feel like the Baltic makes more sense, and i can’t really see how i would have added Poland to the list otherwise which is a fan favourite. It also wouldn’t have helped that people would have seen me as very biased if i added Danes twice to the list.

These 2 rules sort of also influences other options, again i wouldn’t wanna add Poles and Persia to several different options, as other people have suggested, any such combination would IMO just fall under a “forgotten” DLC, which you can find an example of here: Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten | Age of Empires Series Wiki | Fandom

I also didn’t really wanna have 20 different overly specific options, sure i could come up with a lot of different packs, just on top of my head:

Forgotten: Danes, Poles, Korea and Persia (the usually most requested civs)

Rivals of south America: Brazil and Argentina

Heart of Africa: Kongo and Rozvi

And so on, and others have already come up with their own ideas. The problem here is that such a list would just end up being diluted, i added 1 very clear option which is the Baltic because frankly it is the only real possible European expansion, it also just echos KOTM a lot.

As for splits, Tilanus pretty much sealed that it won’t happen so i wont even waste space, and votes, on adding such options. Could i have artificially boosted the Baltic option by adding Prussia? perhaps, but it isn’t going to happen. The same thing can really be applied to a lot of other options like a India DLC, i just don’t think it is likely to happen so won’t waste votes on it, not like it would realistically get that many votes looking at the “Africa” option.

I am sure some people will think i missed a really obvious option to add to the list but i think my list covers most of the globe and bring them into packs that make some sort of logical sense, they are not suppose to be overly specific.


I voted Baltic (Poles and Danes) not because they are my personal first choice but because I think they are more likely.

I would love to see Persia but just know they would need to be built from the ground up with a whole new style of architecture for their buildings and deciding what gameplay mechanics they would use. Poles and Danes can reuse the Northern European buildings with a few unique buildings of their own most likely and some unique units as well as generic European ones.

To be clear I’d like to see Poles and Danes too, I’m excited regardless very happy to see the game is still being supported.