What do you think we are gunna get in a May PUP?

for russians would be an interesting buff the possibility of train that unit.


Maybe if the United States can be chosen in the consulate…


Give me some fresh World Domination mode so I can conquer whole continents with my modded civ


I would love Secession War, so I can ##### and ##### and let’s not forget ##### some ##### Confederate ######, but Mexican American and Secession wars would both need to cover slavery and this has been a big nono since Ensemble times

But then, we have Texas already as a Mexico rev…


I don’t think slavery needs to be mentioned in game. And if anything, it can be said openly that the Confederacy was for the preservation of slavery and was evil - and they would be enemies of the Unionists (USA civ in game).

I think at least most of AoE3 players are historically aware of the Civil War theme.

In addition, Conquistadors, Oprichniks and Inquisitors were guilty of numerous crimes on civils and yet they are present in this game.


I think it is for the best that large scale slavery is left out of the game as well. But lets not forget that the Janissaries and the Mamelukes are in the game. They used to be slaves that were trained to be soldiers.

Edit: When translated from Arabic to English the name “Mamluk” means “One who is owned”.

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We are on the same page here, but there are plenty of people who don’t think this is true, even when the Secession declarations explicitly said they were out because slavery.

Not many people support Inquisitors right now, but the confederacy has a lot of suporters. Why would they like an enslaver regime? Is up to them, but they are there

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*They give you the AoE World Domination Mobile game xd…

Yeah,we would have Chapultepec and Gettysburg or at least The Alamo…

Yeah…It’s a controversial topic,specially in the modern woke United States…in the other AoE games you can have entire genocidies but in Asia (Genghis Khan and Timur) because US buyers don’t give any importance…

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First of all I’d like to say that I’m glad we are all on the same page here when it come to the historically significant but sensitive topic of slavery - it’s an awful barbaric practice.

There has been something that has been playing on my mind concerning this very controversial topic - why did the devs choose to have USA troops both black and white when I’m pretty sure no other civ has this feature? - (bar Drummers)

From a purely historic point of view I’m quite sure that the USA was relatively conservative and behind when it came to the topic of slavery. The British Empire, for example, had introduced the ##### ##### Act 1807 which largely outlawed the trade of slave across the empire roughly half a century before the American Civil War. (Arguable it wasn’t till the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 which totally outlawed the act of slavery itself but this was still a good 30 years before the USA).

My opinion for how the game could be changed to better represent black soldier fighting for the USA is for a rework of the this home city card.

54th Massachusetts Volunteers

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, to my knowledge, were the first ever all black regiment in the United States Army. To represent them with just unit shipment card feels a bit of an under-representation. I think this the card should act like the German “Scharnhorst Reform” card by removing all State Militia and replacing them with new unit called “The 54th Volunteers” in Age 4 (I know this a bad name :expressionless:). I recon this new (all black unit) could act similarly to grenadiers with a high siege damage against building (especially fortification - referencing their famous engagement at the Battle of Fort Wagner). I’m not sure if I’d give them a range attack with an area-of-effect but I do think changing there range attack to a siege attack would be a fair change. These are the maxed-out stats they should have … (in the Imperial Age)

The 54th Volunteers

  • Unit tags: Infantry, light-infantry, ranged infantry, gunpowder infantry, rifle infantry
  • Population: 1
  • Cost: 100 food 20 coin
  • Train-time: 35 seconds
  • Hit-points: 250 (half maxed British grenadier)
  • Range-resist: 45%
  • Speed: 4.95 (after drum arsenal tech)
  • Melee attack: 30 with 1 area-of-effect, x1.5 against infantry, 0.25 against hand cavalry and shock infantry.
  • Range attack: 50 with a range of 16, dealt as siege damage, same multipliers as melee (maybe a 1 area-of-effect too)
  • Siege attack: 60 with a range of 10, x3 against walls or defensive buildings
  • Ability: have all their stats increased by 50% when a Union Flag has been placed.

This should mean that “The 54th Vonunteers” should trade well against both heavy and light infantry, trade averagely against artillery, and trade poorly against cavalry. Its stand-out area should be in destroying walls as I feel the USA lacks this because of their Gatling guns (and lack of trainable grenadiers without Washingtons legion).

If this unit gets introduced, all other USA military units should be reverted to their caucasian / native American aesthetic. I think this will help with appropriate representation especially in the commerce age.

One of the many purposes of studying history is to learn from our mistakes. If we start re-writing history to abide by our current cultural views it will only doom us to repeat the blunders of the past.

Now here’s a bit of Hollywood history for you… :rofl:

Please feel free to challenge anything I’ve said above.

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I would also like more DLC, but I would really prefer that they fix and refine the online mode. Sometimes my connection drops, (or that’s what the game notifies me), but I can watch HD videos without any problem.

It’s also annoying that the game doesn’t stop when a player loses connection. This did not happen in the old game. In addition, the time to reconnect is very short.


As everyone seems to be speculating what new DLC we are going to get I’m gunna put it to a poll.

Which new civilisation(s) do you think will be add to AOE3de this summer? (choose up to 3)

  • Argentina
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Burmese
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Egypt
  • Greece
  • Haiti
  • India (breaking into Maratha Empire / Sikh Empire/Khalsa / Mughal Empire / Nepalese Empire)
  • Indonesia
  • Korea
  • Malaya
  • Morocco
  • Omani
  • Persia
  • Pirate State
  • Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • Polynesia
  • Prussia + Austria (with a divided Germany)
  • Siam
  • South Africa / Boer State
  • Vietnamese
  • A new African Civ I haven’t mentioned
  • A new American Civ I haven’t mentioned
  • A new Asian Civ I haven’t mentioned
  • A new European Civ I haven’t mentioned
  • A new Oceanic Civ I haven’t mentioned
0 voters

I’ve only listed countries that still have a representation on the world map today. I think it unlike that the devs will choose to make a civ that no-one knows about, apart from a few avid history buffs. Comment on which ones you think I’ve missed.

Personally I don’t have a DLC ced for now. I would prefer that they fix underused or unfeasible mechanics and aspects in the game.

I would think that some Asian civilization would be added considering that Vietnam has been added in AOE-2.

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Sorry accidentally wiped votes. Coz I wanted to add Vietnam as an option. So please vote again.

Maybe they do a Southeast Asia because the link Africa-Southeast Asia dlcs of AoE 2…


It seems we won’t get any civ until AOM retold is done. So, realistically, if get something new, I don’t think it will be until at least november

Yeah, hopefully. That region could bring several new cool civs for the game. I think that is one of the places with the most potential

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Every post goes into a civ wishlist.

Back to the original question of the post, maybe we get a summer patch, so june/july. IDK when the team goes to holidays.


Thought I’d post this map of estimated boarders in 1815 to semi justify the options I gave in the poll. I prioritised the nations shown in colour. The areas shown in sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian sub-continent have so numerous civilisations that I think would be hard to make all of these into full blown civs in the game. However, I do think they would make a lot of great minor civs, especially as I think Africa and Asia are already lacking native alliance options.


I have voted for Persia, Korea and Brazil.

I would like Prussia + Austria (with a divided Germany), India divided and Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth or Zulus.

I think it will actually be Morocco (they have the civ in the campaign), Persia and Korea.


If we can only obtain a limited number of countries, I do not want some countries that are not important during this period to seize the position of important countries that should have appeared. I hope that countries like Malta only have this last one

And what is extremely annoying is that they are not even willing to reproduce the campaign of Malta using the new Malta as a template

The biggest fear is that the countries in the game are likely to be limited and may stop updating at any time. We haven’t received a new DLC in a year, have we? If the DLC updates in the future take longer, I hope to see the more important countries earlier, while the relatively minor ones should appear in the future