Well, I see many comments from people asking to remove mechanics that are very characteristic of AoE3, such as homecity, decks, snerf, etc. Let’s be objective, we love it, but the other players in the saga hate it, it’s no mystery. If you decide to try to attract more players, and think back to AoE2 and AoE4 players, then what these people are proposing isn’t too crazy. Because let’s be honest, that’s what they don’t like, my friends who play AoE2 hate 3 and don’t even give it a chance, for those reasons.
I would create a new game mode, as an experiment, with some name like “nostalgia mode” or “superclassic mode”, which, the game mode is very similar to AoE2 or AoE4, but using the AoE3 graphics engine and its variety of civilizations, map design and units (the strongest point of AoE3, which far surpasses any other game in the series without discussion).
It could be faced in several ways, without thinking much these occur to me.
- Remove most things, like homecity, experience, snerf and decks.
- Rework trade routes
- Add relics or even “wonders” (I put them in quotes, because they don’t necessarily have to be the classic wonders) and regicide (which exists)
- Maybe even create a counter system that is more friendly to them.
- Make some balance changes, taking into account the non-existence of homecitys.
- Change the battle formations to something more friendly to them.
All this, obviously, some things can be applied as well as everything.
This is clearly not AoE3, it’s AoE2 with a nice graphics engine, with a very wide variety and in the contemporary age, basically everything that AoE4 tried to be and couldn’t.
I also clarify, to do this and think that it can replace the classic AoE3, is to be wrong. The classic mode is unbeatable, but I think that a game mode like this, more friendly to AoE2 and AoE4 players, can motivate them to love the game, give it popularity, get more content and encourage them to try the classic mode. , give it a chance and have as much fun as we all have.
The only problem I find with AoE3 is that people don’t even try it, because it’s not what they were used to when they play another RTS, but I’m 100% sure that if they give it the time and learn the game, they will realize that it is the TOP1 of the saga. It’s like that food that you didn’t like as a child, because it looked or smelled bad, and when you’re older you try it and you realize you were a fool. It happened to me particularly with the stew and the soup hehehe.